Welcome to the family! Have fun!
Snowed yesterday and today in Connecticut...
Chipmunk! Are ya'll havin' a good time?
Yum. Turtles?
He did WHAT?! With the ICE CREAM MAN?! :/gasp: What is love?
My lovely lady lumps Check it out?
With a capital G! Konichiwa?
Pom-poms, like oh my gosh! I can haz chicken pot pie?
^ This. Agreed. The hell is wrong with him? He makes us Christians look bad! I am so sick of shit like this happening. Who cares what the concieted snob wants? I hope that he doesn't get his way... He needs to be put in his place!
Cloud, Leon, Sephiroth, Aerith, and Yuffie~ :.-.: Why do you not have Zack? I love him so...
WTF? When will she get that outside of her little toddler fanclub NO ONE LIKES HER SINGING! She's awful, and now she's trying to remake Thriller? Not to mention that, sadly, the only thing kids remember MJ as is a child molester. They don't know who he really was. So the kids will all stare at her in awe, thinking she's made a child molester's song clean, new, shiny, and pop-tastic. NO NO NO.....
Um, wow. That's just failtastic.
She should be in jail! I don't care how the child acts, no matter what you should never do something like that!
I found out about it when my Aunt Diane bought it for my cousins. I thought it looked really cool, so I got it. Never finished it, though. Then when Kingdom Hearts II came out I took it by storm. Then my interest died because I was stuck on the second Demyx battle. Then after a while I started playing it again, beat it, and the beat Kingdom Hearts. And somewhere in between Kingdom Hearts I and II I played CoM. Note that I had never played any Square Enix games before that, at least that I know of... Shame on me!
Ah. That makes sense! Much better than Ale, honestly. :3
Lae... Or Lea. I think Lae? I accidentally read it! D: Bah. Naughty, naughty me.
Now on 120-ish! Oooo, the plot is becoming deeper! I'd tell you but you probably already know! So don't tell me any spoilers! >.< Already...
Hmmm... Mail Delivery and Poster Duty. I amazed my friend on mail delivery... Was awesome!
An hour late... >.>; Sorry, site crash... Anywa-a-a-ay... I'm good. Heh. On day 117-ish of 358/2 days. Downloadin' stuff for the Sims 2,...
Sometimes... Cried reading the Twilight saga... Others I can't remember... >.>'