"Huh? Hot and cold at the same time..?" Demyx tilted his head.
Demyx laughed quietly at the two, but quickly stopped before he could be killed.
Demyx immediatly stopped playing. His sitar dissapeared and he quietly spoke,"Sorry..."
Demyx returned his attention to his sitar.
Demyx stopped playing and looked up,"Can't you like, use her to figure out how to get hearts for us or something?"
OOC: Welcome back :D Demyx listened in on the conversation, focusing a little more on his sitar. He paused, then countinued strumming a few strings.
Demyx turned to Xigbar and waved, not letting go of his sitar."Oh, hey Xigbar."
Demyx stared into space for a second. "Living...or uh...existing would be boring then." He shrugged, "I probably wouldn't even be able to exist if that happened..." He hugged his sitar as if it was going away forever.
"Woah, really? That like...makes my head hurt even more..." Demyx rubbed his head again. "But what about music?" He summoned his sitar and strummed a few strings. "I mean...Its horrible with no music. Ya know?"
"Ohhhh." Demyx began messing with the beads on his jacket.
"Do you know why she only has half a heart? Does the microwave computer thing say anything about that?" Demyx asked and sat down.
Demyx rubbed his head and whined. "This makes my head hurtt." He looked around at the girl, "Oh, hey Yuuka!"
Demyx blinked,"Huh? So like...She is a nobody...But shes not...Wha?" OOC: I'm sorta confused where everyone is right now, besides Vexen o_o;
Demyx looked over at the machine,"Ohhh. Whats that mean?"
"Ohh. Thats cooll." Demyx yawned and watched Vexen...experiment. OOC: You mean like, where we are in the story?
Demyx shrugged, "I dunno.." He looked over at Vexen,"Soo..Whatcha working on?"
Demyx blinked and waved goodbye,"See ya around!"
"Sweet!" Demyx smiled and jumped in the air. "So, I'm guessing your a new member or something?"
OOC: Sure :D BIC: "Really? Thats not cool." Demyx stared at the gentle, shy girl for a second and scratched his chin, thinking. "How about you be named...Yuuka! Is that good?"
Demyx turned around and looked up. "Oh...Hi Vexen. And uh," He stood up. "Who're you?" He pointed at the girl.