"Ah! No don't cry!" Demyx hugged her, "I'm sure its not your fault. Things like this, uh, happen. No need to be sad. Or in a nobody's case mock sadness. Something like that..." He let go and then smiled, "Cheer up." [OOC: Tell me if I'm making him a little out of character. I just think of him as a caring person .__.;]
Demyx stood up and raised an eyebrow, "How did you know that? I've never told anyone...Or at least a don't think so." He stared into space for a second, thinking.
"AH!" Demyx jumped up from his chair, landing on the floor with a thump. He looked up,"Oh, Its just you Yuuka. Phew."
Demyx countinued playing, not noticing that someone entered the room.
[Ahh okay thanks. ^^] BIC: Demyx closed his eyes and played a small song on his sitar. After about 10 minutes of looking for the aluminum that Vexen needed, he had given up. "Maybe if I stay away from him long enough he'll forget all about it." He paused, then agreed with himself.
[ OOC: Woah, 7 more pages o_o. Can someone tell me whats happening? ]
I don't hate you :D Your like...unhateable. o_O Yeah.
Heres a few I made. Wish - KH Tribute Believe - KH Tribute Only One - SoraxKairi Lights and Sounds - KH Tribute I made more, but those are some of my best ones, I think ._.; I have one I'm currently uploading, so when thats done I'll post a link ^^ edit: Im With You - SoraxKairi
^ Maybe. Just maybe. They know everything. (Kidding xD) < Is off to make a video before she is killed. V Loves cookies :D
^ -shifty eyes- Doesn't know what they're talking about. < -hiding pizza behind back- V Will kill me.
^ -gives pie- < Drinking Coca Cola V Drinking nothing
^ Correct ! < Has a big sweet tooth V Has a bigger sweet tooth
^ Not wrong nor incorrect O: < Eating sugar V -hands sugar cube-
^Absolutely wrong < Some girl who needs more posts. V Is cool and will give me a cookie :D
Uh I guess I'll post a few pictures. .__.; Heres one with my Organization 13 jacket..but my face is only partially there xD ...I like chocolate o_o... Yeahhh. ><;
"Phew, that was close.." Demyx sighed and looked at the picture. "It would've been nice if there was a pecific place to find these." He looked around, still in TWTNW. "Guess I better start." And so, he began to search.
Demyx looked at Larxene and started to back away. "Uh...look at the time..."He grabbed the picture of the dwine aluminum,"Er...I better get going then!" He summoned a portal and ran through it. [Bye Ienzo ^^]
"That would work," Demyx nodded and watched him tear out the pictures.
Demyx shook his head slowly,"Not at all..."
"Vylicaroo?" Demyx shrugged,"Never heard of that world."