Oh, alright then. I'll check out the site sometime.
This will probably just push the release date back. Or it coudl just be used as an excuse for a delay xD
You should attempt to release a track comparable to something as epic as One Winged Angel. Difficult: yes.
I asked Catch the Rain about this dude, she said she is goign to move it to spam once she can get back on the site.
*grabs a bowl of oranges*
SNES all the way!
did anybody screenshot what it said originally?
O_o wow
You assume im tryign to get out of it? Have you experienced what im like when peopel assume the wrost of me? No, i'm not tryign to start a fight, im jsut letting you know, be careful when im depressed, i generally get angry easily and go out of control.
got it form this thread xD http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=51270
Halo 3 is ****. sorry, but it is. Blu-Ray is teh new standard anyways PS3 has free online PS3 has MGS4, FFXIII, FFVXIII, Resistance 2, etc anyways, get Rock Band, and play online with me (NOT GUITAR HERO III, because gh3 is crap)
Its on rock band now =D I love playign the bass on expert
IM not sayign you accused me, i just hate emo jokes. Why? I HAVE cut my wrists. Many times.
Why not?
I was..........
Watch it buddy
Say that again.....
DECEMBER 07 >.> i
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