+9001 .
Im going to get OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!! posts in one week, and all of them will be meaningful, and intelligent!
+23 .
mines obvious Xendran~Oblivion and get back on msn. NAO!1!oneone!1!!!shiftone1
xD .
You really think that they would READ it? i didn't read the rules till about 7 months after i joined.
We found some bottles on the ground, and picked them up and walked over to the recycle bin by the house, and this person came up to us and grabbed them, accused us of drinking and thratened to call the cops. I;m like "go ahead" and he proceeded to attempt to burn me with a cigarrette butt (which he did). Needless to say, he wasn't very happy after i was through with him, but im lucky he didnt (well he wasnt able) call the cops after. doesnt help that it was haloween, and late at night too.
spam, ads, rule breaking.
That's why we have hands.
since the 40 minutes ive been gone, hes made 4 posts
At the end, resistance has some pretty damn tough AI (on hard mode)
Dude, youll have like 300 posts in a week
posts dont count in here =D 90% of peopel in here would have OVER 90001!!111oneone111 posts if they counted in here
Two????!!?? He R Haz Ovr Nie Thusnd Repz!
ghhhh i beat that. 900 in 2 days (with 400 deleted)
Roxas, CFF. Need i say more?
Personally, i don't like the way recon armor looks.
I only like dragonforce for the ridiculously hard guitar hero customs. You thihnk i got good at the game from the on disc songs? Only really hard one i saw was Jordan and *Trippolette
He does it better than rooster teeth...
Darkness, its what im strongest in, imo.