sovereign, race you to 1,337 posts?
Why not just post this in the thread about n00bs instead of making a whole new thread about the same issue?
Hard mode is actually REALLY unfair at points.
Im not used to it being normal color O_o
lol .
Lol He R Advertizn H@wtmael!
Good game, good story, horrible difficulties. You get Cakewalk, and WTFHAX. No in bwtween.
Msn time . Unfinished, no percussion/vocals
walkalone, you look really young in that picture xD
Until I Win.
You have 18 hours.
You're straing from the plan.
Looks liek you screaming into your hand w/ an invisible mic
You remind me of Hippie Jesus IP check anybody?
WARNING 10 year old kid on the loose 1:51 AM
If you compare my earlier posts to my later posts.... Ive matured a hell of a lot in some ways.
I'm Guanna Be The Best Poster Evar!