So, whenever I go into the corner to click for my calendar, nothing shows up. I actually have to go launch the Calendar app in Windows 10. What should I do to diagnose this?
Good anytime, but I won't be as active from the 3rd to the 7th. I'll be on some.
Nobody's paying Photobucket $400/year for hotlinking abilities.
I'm still in it. What the heck is going on?
I know this is gonna seem so obvious to ask, but did you update your graphics drivers? If you're unsure what graphics card you have, follow this guide:,2817,2406120,00.asp Then use the following driver update sites, depending on your card: Intel - AMD/ATI - NVIDIA - I'm just putting this in just in case - I assume you already did this. ;)
Over 2 billion views now. ;) It's honestly the first song I liked by her. I could never get into her earlier work, this just seems more serious and crafted (even though her earlier work was very well done) than 19 or 21.
I'm interested. Will send a PM in the next few minutes.
Anyone wanna play sometime on QP on PC? (I don't do comp yet, I'm leaving that until I reach level 100). I'm a Reaper main. PM me for my if your interested.
I dunno, I just want to get started off with JavaScript. I took an intro to coding class and we worked with JavaScript, which was really fun to do. Figured that'd be a good starting point. Web development sounds like something I'd so, so let's go with that. :
I already got one. Thanks though!
Hi, I saw you on the Discord page, could you send me a link with the new invite? The old one doesn't work. Thanks!
WOO! I got a job interview tomorrow! Wish me luck!
Hi, are you on the Discord server? I tried to join but the invite listed expired.
Thanks. I tried to join the Discord but the link seemed to have expired. Hello to you too! Where's your profile picture from? It seems familiar...
I wanted to join but the link didn't work.
Anyone used this platform? It's a program based on Chrome's V8 engine (the inner part of Chrome that processes JavaScript) that allows you to do various things with JavaScript, including run servers and make full-on programs. I'm really interested into using this but I wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts on it. Here's a link if you don't know anything about it:
Hey, I'm SushiKey, or SushiKii as I go by on my Discord. So, I'm pretty new to this Kingdom Hearts thing, I haven't played it yet but it sure looks really cool, so I figured I'd join a Kingdom Hearts forum and get all the dirt on the game before I go out and buy a copy. o3o I haven't had too much of an array of hobbies since I was a young teenager, due to various reasons, but I guess I'm starting to get into anime. I've watched a little, didn't really get it at the time, but I'm more of a gamer. A lot of people I know who are also gamers love that too, so I'm going to check that out. I also am starting to get into coding a little bit, trying to learn JavaScript since I hear that's a good beginner language. Before I start to ramble on, I'll wrap this up by saying this looks like a nice site and if you wanna add me on Discord, PM me (I could use some friends!). Thanks!