discord yo SushiKey # 0307
Figured I'd go ahead and make a post in the Kingdom Hearts section since this IS a forum about that. :P So, what are some good tips on starting on Kingdom Hearts? I've never played the game and plan to buy a console sometime in the near future so I can go ahead and play it. I just want to know what's the best way to begin. I usually suck at a game unless someone guides me with tips in the beginning, is why I ask. All tips and suggestions are appreciated!
Looks delicious, especially coming from someone who loves his potatoes. ;)
Afternoons any day of the weekend is the best, in EST (GMT -5).
Can't believe I didn't think of a pillow! This kind of goes with the mint flavoring, but my mom has started trying essential oils for things and it's really helped both her and I. You use it in a similar way.
Me as well. Submit guys!
I wish I could help in a way that could eliminate at least one of them, but other than a few things, I can't think of much. Maybe someone else would have some ideas. First off, try some light stretching and exercises. A quick Google search could find some good ones, but be sure to research which ones do what. There's also probably some exercise shows on TV you could record (if you have a DVR, that is). Public television (PBS in the US) is good for this - there was this one on there I watched called Classical Stretch once and it was pretty good. And don't avoid the doctor completely. There are several things a doctor can recommend other than medication, and even if they do, be sure to ask questions/research the type of medications in that category. Doesn't hurt to know! I wish I had more. Best of luck in your pain relief!
Since when was he not? HOW COME NOBODY TOLD ME?!?
What sources do you get your music from? CD, streaming (such as Spotify or iHeartRadio), downloading (from a place like iTunes or other sources), or how? I use Spotify some, but I kinda like iHeartRadio. I started using it recently for their original stations (stations exclusive to the platform that originate from an HD Radio subchannel of a random radio station in the US). I don't know, I guess I just like the radio platform. I used to use Pandora some and might go back to it someday. As for Spotify, I have a free Premium account through my brother's family subscription, but I don't really use it that much because I can never make up my mind on what to put in a playlist. It's all good music, but some I like more than others at certain times, and I'll hate certain music at certain times. I guess I'm just picky! D:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cities:_Skylines Cities: Skylines is a city-building game created by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive. It's similar to SimCity in ways, but a lot better. Similar to SimCity 4, the game has a massive modding community, and has elements of the current SimCity but tweaked out (for example, no need to be online or play like a multiplayer game). It was well received when it came out, and is one of my favorite games of the 2010's in any genre. I don't play it as much as I did, but it's still fun. Do you guys play it? If so, do you have any cities you can show us?
To be honest, I was thinking of a couple of things. I originally wanted to do something with computers since I was a young kid, though with time I kind of transitioned out of that obsession and started to seek new interests. I still like computers, I just think I want to do something else, not exactly sure what though. One of the things I was thinking of perhaps was animation or art. I like art, especially animation and comics, but I just kind of need some guidance into that which I think college could definitely help with. That's one thing I perhaps need help with is honing down what I REALLY want to do. Thanks for the tips though!
So I'll be 22 this month and I figured before too much time slips away, I should start preparing for college. I know I need to study for the SAT and whatnot, but I'm not sure what else to do beyond that. My parents have gladly said they will guide me with the rest, but I was wondering what are some other tips for preparing to go to college? I already have a few universities in mind (depending where I am by next year), so that's already covered. I'd love your thoughts!
Shooters, as well. It's so fun killing things! lol
Hard to honestly say this, but I don't think they should replace Chester. When a band usually replaces a lead singer, it's not that great, so I think they should just call it a day in respect of Chester. That said, it is heartbreaking what happened. While I used to make fun of LP, I've honestly seen in the past few years that their music is pretty good and why it has helped so many. Thanks for the music, Chester, we won't forget you! :)
That fixed it, I'm a dummy! :(
Stop promoting ur face :C
I'll stare at the forums until it happens. I'm bored dammit!