I'm worried about my aesthetic.
Nice! I don't think I could ever give up my laptop, because this would be probably what I'd do if I get a Surface, but it does look like a nice tablet. I want one now! :(
Hip-hop has been a thing for quite a while now, but I was wondering what are some modern rappers you like? I mean, we have a lot of pretty good ones nowadays. List whatever you want, whether it's what you think is a genius rapper, or a guilty pleasure. A reason would be good too, but you don't have to. For me: Post Malone - I know he shows a lot of tropes of modern hip-hop (and that get tiring sometimes), but something about him really calls to me. I guess it might be that it's kind of electronic-influenced, but not enough bass to make you go deaf from all the vibration. Plus I kind of like typical modern hip-hop every now and then. Childish Gambino - The rap name of actor Donald Glover, Gambino has many varieties of influences, including funk, classic hip-hop, and even the goofiness of artists like Tyler, The Creator (which is kind of what some of "Because The Internet" reminded me of). He's really well known now because of the song "Redbone", which has become sort of a meme now, but he's definitely a favorite of mine. Kendrick Lamar - You all know who he is. I'm not gonna explain him. How about you?
ok so im a hipster now
SushiKii#0307 Hit me up.
If you have a tablet, tell us what kind, OS, etc. Let's see those tablets! Brand/model: Lenovo Tab 10, model TB-X103F OS: LineageOS 14.1 (based on Android 7.1.2)
So, I have a Motorola Moto G4 (https://www.motorola.com/us/products/moto-g) that's about 1 and a half years old and has worked out like a charm so far. I've noticed, though, that the battery has been draining a little bit quicker than a few months ago. Usually, it would take two hours to drain at least 30% of the battery, but has recently been really draining more in an hour tops. The phone is not charged constantly (usually about once or twice a day), I have all apps closed, and I even turned down the brightness a tad (with the adaptive brightness still on, because the phone is virtually unreadable otherwise). The only time I have anything on that can cause quick drainage is when I have my VPN (Opera VPN) on when I'm on public wi-fi, which is not that often in the day (1 hour tops on public wi-fi). Any advice on what I could do to diagnose what's going on with the quick draining? Info: Phone Type: Moto G4 w/ Prime Lockscreen Offers (Amazon.com Edition) OS: Android 7.0 Nougat Age: 1 year old (accquired August 2016-ish) Provider: Republic Wireless (T-Mobile/Sprint-based virtual operator)
The part where you're trying to get Kamoshida to avoid expelling you.
I've only played 5, so 5? I like it so far, I just wish they had 4 on the PS4. That would be nice.
Interesting. Do you think this is just due to the large size though? I don't need too much space in my laptop.
So, does anyone else watch Curb Your Enthusiasm in here? It's a show on HBO that's been on since 2000. Season 9 just started, and while I plan to watch that, I want to watch a few more earlier episodes before I watch Season 9. Here's a general synopsis: The show is about Seinfeld creator Larry David, and his semi-fictionalized retired life with his wife. In the show, it usually centers around Larry David's faux pas, annoyances with other people, and general troubles with people in general, where he screws up something (or something screws up for him, as in a mistake or misunderstanding), causing people to react poorly to him. It takes place in Los Angeles, and is friends with some very famous celebrities, including Richard Lewis, Ted Danson, and so on. Sometimes, cast members from Seinfeld also appear on the show as well, such as in season one, where Julia Louis-Dreyfus (who played Elaine in Seinfeld) in an episode. It's a pretty funny show, though there's a lot of adult/inappropriate humor in it. I recommend the show, and is on Amazon Prime Video currently. Check it out!
Windows 10 / Windows 1.0 mashup. Clever.
You suck, whoever you are.
Civilization (full name Sid Meier's Civilization) is a series of games in which one goes out to settle cities and manage a nation based on real life ones (usually like an empire, or a certain country). It's an older series, but they're wildly popular games and have a growing community. I've only played Civ V so far (it was on a Humble Bundle sale), but it's pretty interesting I think. I like how all of a sudden, you're just sitting there being peaceful until a bunch of nations declare war on you, even if you haven't done anything to them. Though sometimes, I like to be fun and declare war on everyone and watch my empire go into utter chaos. It's pretty fun when they do that! I'm looking forward to playing the others now! :)
I already have an SSD in my laptop (240GB ADATA SU700 Ultimate), but today I am getting an adapter that allows me to have a second hard drive in my laptop via the DVD drive port. The drive that was originally in the laptop is a little slow (which I would have to guess is because it's a 5400RPM drive), so I was wondering what would be good advice on a regular, mechanical hard drive. I was looking into Seagate drives, since they seem to be a little cheaper on Amazon, and since I have one in my desktop, but I don't know the reliability rates on them. Some say they suck, some say they don't, so what do you guys think? A recommendation would be good too. This is the one I'm looking at. It's about $50, which is good for me: