I usually post here,but I haven't posted in awhile.
Nice to meet you.I am debralizjr,but you can call me Debra,Debbie,or Deb whatever you prefer.
So what now?Now that we know I won't steal your internal organs and that I am a chick.
Don't worry.I won't hurt you unless you really tick me off.Which you haven't done so....
Goimez is a dude and I am a chick so...Plus if anyone tried to use this name they would be lucky if I let them keep their intestines and kidneys.
It's ok.So who did you think I was if you don't mind me asking?
Um excuse me?I have had this name since I joined.
Hey guys.What's up?
Exactly.Well I'm off to bed night.
What?I thought that was a good thing. Hey.Wake up!*splashes water on you*
Sounds fun. Actually you have eaten me,but only once.*grabs one of the books and starts doing random algebra problems*
That may be,but I was serious.Amber will tell you. Told you that you would say that.
This is gonna make me sound crazy but I love school and I love homework.
Um ok then.I don't wanna know.
Oh by the way I have all the lines done I just have to send them.
Hey DF.Amber was wondering if you forgot about her.She doesn't wanna be hypnotized forever.
I have no clue.Sorry.
*is untied**kicks Amber off me*Thanks.
Not that I know of.Just use your hands.