Hey*hands you an apple*
Oops I mean your shirt.Sorry.
I didn't say you did.I just stuck it down his shirt.
You're welcome.*sticks an ice cube down your shirt*
*throws a water ballon at you*Gotcha! *hands Amber some shiny jeans*There you go.
Hey,look something shiny*points*
Hey.What's up?
How can you hate Trigonometry.It is fun and I personally love it.
Maybe,maybe not.You go around saying that a lot,so that could've been it.
You stole his cookies cuz obviously the subject failedd to respond.
Of course she did.
Yeah,it seems so.From what I know yeah it was slightly expensive.Which only serves to make me feel worse about the whole thing.
I had was doing geometry with it.Well somehom the reall pencil came off and it wouldn't go back to where it is supposed to be
Yes,and ir was a very nice one.Didn't have any problems with it.Now I have to get a new one and my mom wasn't too happy about the whole thing.
My compass broke!!!!!
Yeah I can tell.The worst thing happened in school!
What was your first thought when you saw my "Extra Line"? What did you think of my burping? If you could meet me would you? If you met me what are the chances of me getting tickled? What is your favorite number? I want to get revenge on my dad for him tickling me all those times.I learned from my mom his armpits are ticklish.Any ideas? Pink is the source of all evil.True or False? Do you like any sports? If so what are your favorite teams? If I were to ship you my little sister to you and gave you permission to tickle her,what time should I expect her back? Which part do you think I have done the best job on Haruna,Kaede,or Shizuna? Which of those characters do you think I am most like?
Have fun watching it.
I know.I don't know whether to think of it as a good thing or bad thing.