Hello Cookie Castle.Miss me?
Despite not wanting too,I have to take spanish as my foreign language.Now my grandpa out of the blue decided to buy the Rosetta Stone spanish for me.Now here's my problem we installed it to my laptop and I was registered so I could start immedietely and I have read the instructions.My mom was the one who installed and registered it but she doesn't remember what the last thing with it was.I think I may now what she did last but I can't seem to figure out how to continue where she left off.What should I do?
You know what forget it?!?I'm leaving!!!
I wasn't controling you!Nor was I trying to?
I said staring becuase I know how you are with shiny things.Because I can.And wouldn't it be funny to videotape you chasing after a shiny thing?
*videotapes you staring at shiny thing*I command thee to chase it.
Trust me it isn't*keeps pointing*
Yep,for real and its that way.*points*
Yeah sure whatever.Hey look*points*It's something shiny!
Why hello there.
Well I can't see you therefore you are invisible.*starts crying*I don't want an invisible friend!
Well it isn't me.Or is it*sly smirk*
Well I didn't think I had to say anything about it.
Yeah.You changed your name to ~Ambrosia~.
Enjoy*Eats one of the cookies*
Here you go*hands you teddy bear shaped oreos and a shiny blue teddy bear*
You are well aware of the fact I don't like hugs.But I have something to make up for it.Want it?
*dodges hug*
Hey guys and gals.Happy Cookie Castle Anniversary!
Yep.Skillet is a band.