Reasons why I want 358/2 Days: - MULTIPLAYER!!! - You get to play as dual weilding Roxas, which is totally *****in! - You also get to play as other Org. members. Reasons why I don't like Birth By Sleep: - Overcomplicates the story - I don't really give a **** about the knights. - PSP sucks. - NO MULTIPLAYER!!!
Chuck Norris? ROUNDHOUSE KICK!!! Just one of those and Kingdom Hearts would be wiped from exsistance.
Pardon my French but: HELL TO THE ****ING YES!!!
Kairi's Keyblade had a Key-Chain so I guess that makes it real...
Benjamin Linus from LOST. If he were in Kingdom Hearts, there's no way he wouldn't be able to control the Heartless.
Hurley (From LOST) as a summon. I can totally see that, lol! He runs over Heartless with his van!
Nojsax, Soxjan, Joxnas, Jaxson, Saxnoj. Can you guess my name?
OH MY GOD!!! I totally forgot Syndrome! I really don't see why Maleficent would recruit Cid's Dog. Or even Cid himself for that matter.
Lefolane, you are the first RikuXKairi fan I've ever seen. I was actually expecting to find alot more.
In KH1 Maleficent gathered Hades, Jafar, Ursula, Oogie Boogie, & Captian Hook into her little group. In KH2, it consisted of Herself, Pete, Hades, Barbosa, Oogie Boogie, & Scar. Who do you want her to recruit for KH3? Do you think she'll even make a group for KH3? Tell me your thoughts. My Wishlist: Maleficent Pete Hades Davy Jones Prospector Pete Chick Hicks Hopper Note: This does not inculde villians who operated seperately from her group such as Clayton and the MCP.
Drive + Limit + Reaction Command That basically describes my fighting style
Worlds I'd like to live on: Destiny Islands - Who wouldn't? Kickin' it on the Islands with my friends, havin' duels, hell yeah... Olympus Coliseum - I'd be First Seed in Every Tournament for sure! Agrabah - I loved Alladin's movies as a kid Halloween Town - Do you even have to ask? I'd have a Werewolf disguise. WEREWOLFS PWN VAMPIRES!!! Neverland - I could fly. Hollow Bastion (Radiant Garden) - Because of all the varied residents and the kick-ass castle. Space Paranoids - HELL TO THE ****ING YEAH!!! I'd love being digital! Disney Castle - It seems like it would be nice. Port Royal - 3 words: Pirates pwn Ninjas. I know for a fact my GF would wanna live here cause of 2 words: Jack Sparrow. Lol...
SoraXKairi RoxasXNamine
Hmm... It'll probably be unexplained. I would like to play as Kairi and Riku in some part of the adventure though...
Um... Sora Bush? Lol, jk!
Luigi (magic) Yoshi (Melee)
Joinage please.
That's exactly how I was. I mean, I just bought KH a month ago. I've beat it, and am getting KH2 soon.