I had a dream about this... but without the DMC. I'll join as Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
Same here, lol... I like the idea of it so much that I decided to make it my avii.
Dude, if you want to save what little self-respect you have left, QFT.
All KH Riku 65% Ansem the wise 50% Xemnas 50% Roxas 45% Namine 40% Sora 40% Kairi 35% Funny, cause I'm usually Sora... Org XIII Demyx 83% Zexion 78% Larxene 78% Axel 72% Roxas 72% Luxord 67% Xigbar 50% Saix 45% Vexen 39% Xaldin 28% Lexaeus 22% Marluxia 17% Xemnas 17% Now take this quiz and tell me what you got: http://www.quizilla.com/users/Varuna/quizzes/Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like?/ I am:
5 - Meta-Knight 4 - Wolf 3 - Captian Falcon 2 - Mario 1 - Sonic
BLASPHEMY!!! PotC was one of my fav worlds!
Oh God... WE'RE ALL GOING TO BECOME NOBODIES!!! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!! Anywayz, that would be neat if their were other human-like Nobodies.
My Theory I think that Xemnas and Xehahnort's Heartless are actually the Nobody and Heartless of Terra. Here's how (Short & Simple Version): Terra fights Master Xehanort, gets owned, gets amnesia. He then winds up on Ansem the Wise's doorstop, the only name he can remember? Xehanort. And Xehanort (Ansem's Apprentice) does look like an older Terra if you think about it... Sorry it's so sloppy. I'm just really lazy...
God... Stupid blind fanboyism. KH3 4 Wii
I have NO problem with that!
Can someone PLEASE link me too this? Also, it would be awsome if I could be in it, just throwin that out there...
So true, lol... Linky please!
Same here.
This quiz was just awful. The quenstions were senseless.
I'm sure he'd love that. Lol, FTW!
I'm like Half Light/Half Twilight
I like that idea.
HELL TO THE ****ING YES!!! Pardon my french, but that would kick so much ass! Oh... My... God... Can you imagine how epic it would be if Mario & Luigi went head2head with Sephiroth?! Also, is Squenix was making a Mario RPG and Bioware is making a Sonic RPG... That would be the ultimate face-off! The best Japenese RPG developer vs. The best American RPG Developer! And the whole Mario vs. Sonic theme would only make it more epic! Sorry... I went into fanboy mode there for a second... heh.
And WHAT may I ask is so wrong with KH3 on the Wii?
K Thx! I unlocked everything but the Hades Paradox cup!