"Charmy, don't make eye contact with it!" Jason yelled, instructing his Charmander to look anywhere but her Cyndaquil's eyes. "Charmy, use Scratch!" at those words issued to him by his tranier, the Charmander ran toward the Cyndaquil and attempted to dig it's nails into Rae's firey Pokemon, "Char char!". As this happened, however, Jason was a little distracted by a VERY pretty girl in the crowd with a Torchic beside her, 'Woah... Good lookin' girls comin' outta the woodwork today.".
Charmander's tail struck the earth as Cydiquil dodged and shot flame from it's mouth. "Charmy, get outta there!" Jason yelled, as the flames licked his dinosaur Pokemon. Charmmander heeded his trainer and rolled out of the way. "Charmy, use Ember as well!" and with that flames spewed from the Charmander's mouth at Rae's Pokemon. 'Hmm... I see we're gathering quite a crowd.' Jason smirked at this thought.
((OOC: Your in 'axel ftw'!)) VS. "Alright! Let's get this party started! Charmander, use Iron Tail!" And with those words, The tail of Jason's Charmander shined bright with energy. It lept into the air above Rae's Cyndiquil, did a flip, and attempted to bring it's tail slamming down onto his opponent, "Char char!".
"Yes, I am a Pokémon trainer, you wouldn't happen to be one as well?" "Hmm... Well it has been while since my last battle... So whaddya say? You up for a challange?" Jason smiled as he released his Charmander from it's Pokeball. He also noticed the spikey-haired teen with a cape throwing a Pokeball up and down, 'Hmm... He looks tough. If my Pokemon are still in fighting shape after this battle, I'll challange him too."
OOC: Yes, yes you did, lol... Jason finished stocking up on Potions, Antidotes and the such and exited the PokeMart. As he was walking away from it, he noticed a pretty green-eyed girl with long brown hair. 'Woah...' was his first thought, But then he noticed that she had a Pokemon with her. "Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be a Pokemon Tranier would you?".
A man in silver armor wondered through the woods next to the area where Nightmare was massacaring the soilders. The clash of metal on metal rang through the air as the soilders engaged the Azure Knight in combat. Suddenly, he sensed Nightmare's presence and withdrew his blade, Requiem. He swung the sword in front of him and tried to find his enemies location.
Okay, I'll start this off: Jason trotted towards the PokeMart of his hometown, Jinkle Town, ((OOC: It would be convienent if we all started out in the same town, kay?)) his red jacket blowing in the wind. He thought about his Pokemon as their pokeballs lay in his back pocket. "I really need to find another tranier to battle or I'll never be strong enough to beat my parents... or Uncle D..." He sighed. His Charmander, Squrtile, and Bulbasaur had been gifts from those relatives, who also happened to be Gym Leaders. His father, specilizing in fire types gave him Charmander. His mother, her specialty being water types, gave him his Squrtile. And last, but not least, Uncle D gave him the Bulbasaur. It seemed they were each trying to win him over to their paticular type... His Ralts (Which happened to be his favorite, but he didn't tell his other pokemon that!) actually found him. Jason later learned that had been attracted by his natural childish disposition. Naturally, as his relatives were Gym Leaders, great things were expected of him. And he intended to surpass his relatives, and their expectations. He wanted to be the Champion; Stand along the greats like Blue, Lance, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia... and maybe even; the legendary, awe-inspiring... Red.
Mine too, lol...
Actually, Nomura has stated that the Terra Battle is non-cannon.
Tell me how Jack Shepard is childish. Really.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? How did I forget Sully?!
Who would you want?
Hmm... I like 'em all, it's so hard to choose... I guess it's a tie between Aladdin, Skellington, Sparrow, Auron, and Riku.
"What are Pokemon?" Pokemon are creature's that exist in the world with us today, they are used for many things: battling, competing, contests, helping, all that good jazz. Pokemon are our friends. "What can Pokemon do?" Pokemon have the unique ability to evolve, you see; Pok'mon can evolve through battling, or being given an item, or of a trade with another trainer. The most rarest and most used evolution is the Eevee, Eevee's evolution can branch off into all the types of any other Pokemon, like if you used a fire stone on Eevee, he/she would evolve into Flareon. But some Pokemon can not evolve, like Ditto, who takes on the form of other Pokemon. Today a journey will begin in the region of Masiah, this region consists of every Pokemon from the other regions; So Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh, are here. Now enter the world of Pokemon, where you will meet the unexpected, in this new, world... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No world champions allowed, mostly beginner or intermediate Pokemon Trainers are allowed (basically menaing no godmodded highly evolved Pokemon.). Template: Name: Age: Personality: Appearence: Pokemon: (4 is the max, and you must include real beginner pokemon attacks) Approved Profiles: Name: Jason Age: 15 Personality: Jason can be kinda immature, but he has a strong sense of justice and would give his life to protect his loved ones. Pokemon: Charmander - Scratch, Ember, Iron Tail, Bite Squrtile - Tackle, Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Bubble Bulbasaur - Tackle, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Bullet Seed Ralts - Confusion, Psychic, Headbutt, Teleport Name: Rei Age: 15 Personality: She has a bublily personality and befriends eveyone she meets. She is always looking for that certain someone in her life. Don't get her mad, she freaks. Pokemon: Torchic- Scratch, growl, ember, Peck Poochena (Pooch)- Bite, growl, tail whip, head but Seedot (Dotty)- leech seed, absorb, cut, growth Name: Jake Age: 17 Personality: Mostly layed back. If you mess with him or his friends to the point of his getting mad, You might want to run... Pokemon: Skarmory- Peck, Fly, Agility, Sand Storm Aron- Headbutt, Harden, Iron Tail, Dig Houndour- Ember, Bite, Roar, Taunt Ralts- Confusion, Teleport, Calm Mind, Toxic Name: Rae Age: 16 Personality: Very outgoing and friendly. Pokemon: Cyndaquil- Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember Piplup- Pound, Growl, Bubble, Peck Turtwig- Razor Leaf, Bite, Tackle Name: Shen Age: 17 Personality: calm and polite Pokemon: Charmander - Scratch, Growl, Ember, Metal Claw Totodial - Scratch, Rage, Water Gun, Bite Pidgey - Gust, Quick attack, sand attack, Wing attack Riolu - Quick attack, Force palm, Sky uppercut, Agility Name: Kiba Age: 17 Personality: quiet,strong,determined Pokemon: bulbasaur-tackle, growl, leech seed houndour-ember, howl, leer weedle-string shot, poison sting pidgey-tackle, sand attack Name: Cade Age:recently turned 17. Appearance: Personality: Sort of a Rival personality.Works to be the best trainer ever. Pokemon Team: Pikachu/Male:Thunderbolt, Agility, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack. Staravia/Male: Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Sand Attack, Double Team. Staryu/No Gender: Confusion, Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Harden. Growlithe/Male:Ember, Tackle, Quick Attack, Bite. Name Cat ( Ranger) Age:13 Personality:he has diffrent personalitys, when he fights trainers serius. when he is with kids he acts like a kid, and when with pokemon he plays with them Appearence:s he has long red smooth hair and a baseball cap, she wears red pants and a blue shirt. Pokemon: Pidgey - Sand-attack, scratch, qust, tackle Bulbasaur - Vine whip, tackle, razorleaf Pikachu - quick attack, thunder, sand-attack (Sorry, My computer isn't letting me copy your wonderful pictures.) NPCs: Camper Larry Leader D Giovanni Jesse & James Remember, the goal of this is to just go on an adventure with your Pokemon. We'll start when we have enough people.
All seemed to be at peace at Disney Castle. Goofy was dozing off on the job again, Donald was avoiding taking Daisy on the date he promised, the usual. Until... One stormy afternoon, a letter was delivered to the king. It told of transending history and the world; a tale of Souls and Swords, eternally retold...
Are they missing the 'Two Across'?
Man... Everyone's taken all my quotes... Except: "Sora's not gonna go anywhere!" - Goofy. I love that one, it really shows how far Goofy has come as a character.
OOC: If you'd allow me to break the 3 character limit, I'd take Riku, along with Siegfried and Zassalamel.