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  1. Insane_Squrriel
    "Yeah, but the tranier had already passed out himself from the Oddish's Sleep Powder. His Pokemon was too worried about his master to fight back." Jason explained.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Insane_Squrriel
    Please, just close this.
    Thread by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Insane_Squrriel
    "Wait!" Riku called out, but it was too late, the Enigmatic Souls had dissapeared. "Um... Sora?" Riku shook his friend awake, "We have a problem.".

    "You! Who are you!?" Siegfried asked as he spun around and got into the proper fighting stance.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Insane_Squrriel
    The Oddish fainted, alongside it's tranier, due to the Aerial Ace.

    "Don't ya think that was a little overkiil?" Jason asked stepping through the grass towards the battle.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Insane_Squrriel
    "Oh boy... Not good." Camper Larry commented.

    Oddish whimpered, "Odd...".

    "Oddish! Use Sleep Powder on all of 'em!" Camper Larry yelled. His pokemon complied, setting off Sleep Powder in a 360 Degree radius. Unfortunately... Camper Larry also caught a face-full and passed out.

    "Oddish?" His Pokemon asked, hopping over to it's tranier's unconsious form.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Insane_Squrriel
    "Oddddish!" The leaves on the grass Pokemon's head bend to keep the sand out of it's eyes.

    "Oddish! Use Leech Seed!" Camper Larry commands it.

    "Odd!" Oddish complies, firing seeds out towards Cade's Staravia.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Insane_Squrriel
    Sora, napping on the Paoupu Tree, failed to notice the Enigmatic Soul that was Zassalamel. "No mommy... I wanna stay here and bake cookies with you..." He muttered in his sleep.

    Riku, however, was observant and decided to confront the scythe-weilding man, "Who are you?".


    Sigfried heard the footstps of the Azure Knight approach him. "Show yourself coward!" He screamed.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Insane_Squrriel
    A voice rings out through the grass, "Have at you!". A little boy wearing a camping out fit leaps from the grass. "I am one of the Gym Traniers here! If you can't beat me, then you couldn't hope to beat our Leader!" He challenges Cade. "Do it Oddish!" the Camper commands as an Oddish bursts from his Pokeball. "Odd Odd" It remarks.




    ((OOC: Lol, just had to tack on that end part!))
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Insane_Squrriel
    Jason faceplanted at the news. "Oh alright... But we WILL battle again. Just you wait! And next time, I'll win. Later." With that he was off towards his Uncle D's Gym.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Insane_Squrriel
    "Go Sora!" The Captian of the Royal Knights yelled to the Keyblade Master. "I sure hope he can he heard me..." Goofy said to himself.

    Elsewhere, a Blue blur sped into the stadium, hopping on the Blue Falcon as the driver was exiting ("Hey!" Captian Falcon yelled) and dashed into the crowd almost knocking Goofy over. "Watch out!".
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: Tularim, Jason's Uncle D, The Gym Leader of Granite Town uses Grass types... Just to let you know I already had that established.))

    As Jason entered the town he was startled to notice that Rae was there, "What!? You again!?". He then noticed her Pokemon out of their balls, "How 'bout another battle? Let's make it two on two this time!" he challenged Rae.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Insane_Squrriel
    Jason ran into the Pokemon Center to have his Charmander healed. After that, he headed towards the next town, Granite Town. His Uncle D was the Gym Leader of that town, beating him would be his first step on his journey to greatness.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: TwilightBlader, you haven't posted in the 'Pokemon: Cobalt' RP in a while. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.))

    An anthro Dog carrying a shield with a Mickey Mouse emblem took a seat in the crowd. "Hmm... I think sora's gonna be fightin'! Gwarsh, I sure hope he does well...".

    Meanwhile, a blue F-Zero Race car pulled up outside the stadium. The cars's name? The Blue Falcon. The car's driver? Captain Falcon. Captain Douglas Jay Falcon.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Insane_Squrriel
    "Yeah, yeah... Thanks... I guess." Jason muttered, he was still a little sore from losing. 'Hmm... Where'd that pretty girl with the Torchic get off to?' he wondered, 'Hopefully she didn't skip-out after my humiliating defeat...'.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Insane_Squrriel
    Charmander landed, rather clumsily, on his feet. But he had no time to rest as Cyndaquil was about to tackle him! "Charmy! Get outta there!" Jason yelled. It was too late however as Cyndaquil's tackle caught Charmander in the gut.

    "Char..." the dino Pokemon uttered before fainting.

    "No! Charmy!" His tranier caled out, kneeling beside the fainted Pokemon. "Return..." Jason sighed gloomily returning his Charmander to it's Pokeball with a flash of red light. "I guess you win..." Jason sighed.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Insane_Squrriel
    May I be Mario, Sonic, Goofy (If you let him in), and Captian Falcon?
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Insane_Squrriel
    Charmander watched as the opponent's Pokemon leapt into the air, dodging it's attack for the UMPTENTH time... (OOC: Almost as if they're Godmodding! [/sarcasm]) "Char..." the orange dinosaur Pokemon growled. He was tired of the Cyndaquil always dodging. This time, however, Charmander jumped up to meet the Tackle with a furocious headbutt.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: Your in sora117... I guess.))

    Jason's Charmander waded his way through the smoke until it found it's target. With a rolling slash it attacked the Cyndaquil, hoping it wouldn't dodge for the umptenth time...

    Jason himself, however, was noticing that both he AND Rae seemed to be getting fans, 'Hmm... No way I'm gonna lose in front of all these people!'.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Insane_Squrriel
    Speedster with Aladdin
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: Thanks for the compliment (I like yours too)! Age change? Oh... I see what you've got planned... ;) Oh, and your in Tularim! I added you to the first post.))

    Jason blushed a little as the girl waved at him. He waved back, but was distracted by the smell of smoke and the sound of a thud as Cyndaquil's attack connected. "Huh? CHARMY!? Where'd you go!?" He asked as he peered through the smokescreen for his Pokemon. His Charmander then stumbled out of the smoke, eyes shut tight, and fell on it's butt. "Charmy! Shake it off and get back in there!" Charmander's tranier ordered. The orange dinosaur Pokemon shook his head, clearing the soot from his eyes, "Char char!". Charmander then proceded to charge headlong into the smoke, claws raised, ready to strike.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home