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  1. Insane_Squrriel
    "Squrtile, use Water Gun!" Jason commanded.

    "Squirtle!!!" the turtle pokemon yelled, a steady stream of water spouting from it's mouth.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Insane_Squrriel
    I want Hina-chan! and Midna too!
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Insane_Squrriel
    "That's great!" Jason replied.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Insane_Squrriel
    Jason momentarily turned his head from the fight to glimpse Cade, "How'd you do?".

    ((OOC: Now we must wait for Godsgirl... Le sigh...))
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Insane_Squrriel
    "And here, take this." Leader D handed cade a green disc with 'TM08' on it. "That move is called Magical Leaf. It's nearly unavoidable and does great damage. Like a grass version of Aerial Ace!.".

    ((OOC: No money for you))
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Insane_Squrriel
    The flaming dog Pokemon's attack was a success. "No! Bayleef!" Leader D protested, but it was too late, Bayleef fainted. "Ah well... You win some you lose some... And you just won the Pine Badge kid!" Leader extended his hand, tree shaped badge in it.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: Last one.))

    "Bayleef, dod-!" Leader D started, but it was too late, Growlithe's quick attack sent Bayleef flying to the edge of the platform. Bayleef stood up, ready for one last stand. "Bayleef, use Ancient Power!".

    "Baaaaaaaaaayleeeeeeef!!!" The Pokemon screamed sending rocks flying at Cade's Pokemon.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Insane_Squrriel
    Captian Falcon wondered around the Stadium searching for the area to sign-up for the fights.

    Goofy continued to cheer, "Get 'em Sora!".
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: I don't think that's possible.))

    It was too late, as the powder had already been absorbed into Staravia's bloodstream. "Alright! Finish 'em off with Iron Tail!" Leader D commanded. Bayleef's tail shone white with energy as it was ready to attack. Bayleef charged foward at great speed and slammed it's tail towards Staravia.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Insane_Squrriel
    Squrtile was to distracted by Torchic's growl to dodge the scratch attack. "Squrtile!" the tortise Pokemon screeched in pain.

    "Squrts, get away from it!" Jason commanded.

    Squrtile heeded it's master and jumped backwards, away from the Torchic's attacks.


    "Bayleef, use Poison Powder!" Leader D commanded. Bayleef complied, scattering the powder over Staravia and it's illusionous copies.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC" Sorry 'bout that...))

    "Bayleef, use Ancient Power!" Leader D commanded. Bayleef concentrated and stones rose from the ground and hurled themselves at Staravia.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Insane_Squrriel
    Squrtile missed, and went through Torchic's ember. The flames licked his shell, but Squrtile was relatively safe.

    "Squirts!" Jason yelled, "Use Bubble!".

    Squrtile's limbs and head shot out of it's shell and the Pokemon unleased a torrent of bubbles from it's mouth.


    "Grovyle dodge!" Leader D screamed, but it was too late... Grovyle was down for the count. "Grr..." The Leader growled, "Go Bayleef!". He unleashed the Dinosaur-like Pokemon with a Leaf on it's head onto the platform, "Bayleef, use Magical Leaf!". Bayleef let loose a magical, color changing leaf at Growlithe. It seemed to home in on the fire Pokemon's position.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Insane_Squrriel
    Jason watched the steam rise through the air, "Your not half bad Rei!" he smirked. "Squrtile, Continue using Rapid Spin and ram her Torchic!".

    Squrtile heard his command and began to spin in place. Then, the turtle Pokemon shot foward, going around the flames and straight towards Torchic.


    Grovyle! Show 'em your Quick Attack!". With those words Grovyle rammed Growlithe with it's shoulder at even greater speed than his opponent had used.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Insane_Squrriel
    "Grovyle, dodge!" Leader D shouted. Grovyle leapt above the flames, but couldn't stop them from catching it's tail on fire. "Stop, drop and roll Grovyle!" his Tranier yelled. The lizard rolled arond on the floor, putting out the flames. "That's it! Use Leaf Storm!". Grovyle unleashed a maelstrom of leaves at the Growlithe.


    "Squrtile, stop spinning and unleash Water Gun!" Jason commanded with boldness.

    The turtle Pokemon stopped spinning and a small, but powerful, jet of water shot out from it's shell.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: I got the Hoenn Gym Battle Remix playin'!))

    "Grovyle, spit Bullet Seed at it's head!" Leader D ordered.

    "Grov!" Grovyle unleashed a torrent of seeds at high velocity towards the head of Cade's growlithe.

    Outside Gym...

    Squrtile face got scratched up by Torchic's attack. "Squrtile," Jason yelled, "Use Rapid Spin!". Squrtile proceeded to tuck itself into it's shell and spin speedily at the Torchic.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: It's one on one Tularim.))

    "Grovyle, use Aerial Ace!" Leader D commanded. Grovyle complied and unleashed the attack upon Growlithe.

    Outside the Gym...

    "Um.. Okay, I guees." Jason was still blushing. "Go, Squritle!" Jason said, releasing the blue turtle pokemon from it's Pokeball.



    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Insane_Squrriel
    ((OOC: Yes, I iz smrt like that. Lol...))

    "Oh! Hey..." Jason said, his face blushing from seeing the girl again. "My name's Jason.". He notices her chick Pokemon again, "You wouldn' happen to be a tranier would you?".

    Meanwhile in the gym...

    Uncle D, the Gym Leader, stood on one sie of the platform and told Cade to stand on the other end. "Go, Grovyle!" He said, unleashing the grass-type lizard pokemon from it's ball.




    ((OOC: I love doing that.))
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Insane_Squrriel
    What... The... ****?! I couldn't understand any of that...
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Insane_Squrriel
    Siegfried swung his blade Horizontially at the hooded man, "Die!".
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Insane_Squrriel
    "Welcome Young Traniers!" a fit man wearing a survival outfit fought his way through the grass with ease. "I'm the Leader of 'dis here Gym. Which of you Traniers wanna go first?" He spoke, but then he noticed Jason, "Nephew!".

    "S'up Uncle D?" Jason replied.

    Long time no see! I've just been runnin' the Gym as usual. So... Which of you greenhorns wants to go first?"

    "Well... I got stuff to do so this guy can go first," Jason slaps Cade on the back, "Good luck buddy!". Jason leaves through the doors he came through.

    "If you'll follow me..." Uncle D motions for Cade to follow him to a raised platform in the center of the Gym.
    Post by: Insane_Squrriel, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home