"Oddish, use Bullet Seed!" Camper Larry shouted. Oddish spewed a steady stream of bullets at his opponent.
if I get a mic I'd definately try out for Goofy. Maybe Jack Skellington and Alladin too (Do they even have lines?).
"Quick! Dodge it Oddish!" Camper Larry shouted. Oddish complied, back-flippping and landing on it's stubby feet to avoid the attack. "Oddish, use Poison Powder on Rilou!" Oddish scattered particles of poison dust around it's opponent.
Jason watches the Pokemon in amusement, "Heh... Maybe I should let my Pokemon in on the fun". With that, he releases Charmy, Squirts, Bulby, and Raltsy from their containers.
"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that cause of our battle..." Jason grinned sheepishly at Rei.
Camper Larry unleashed his freshly healed Oddish from it's Pokeball, "Go Oddish!". VS.
Jason cringed at Kiba's words, "Yeah... I kinda did...". Meanwhile... "Don't move!" Camper Larry command of Shen. "Nobody faces the Gym Leader without getting through one of the Gym Traniers first!".
"He sure is." Jason told her as they stepped into the Pokemon Center. "May I heal your Pokemon?" Nurse Joy asked? "Sure." Jason replied.
I actually like the Riku fight before he gets possessed by Xehanort's Heartless. Y'know, the one where Donald and Goofy help out.
"Fine... I guess... Anyway, come on! Let's go get our Pokemon healed for the battle against the Gym Leader of this town" Jason told her, "He happens to be my uncle.".
"Oh, you don't have to give me this. I'm fine." Jason said.
Jack shepard is the main character of the ABC hit TV show 'LOST'. ABC owns the rights to LOST. Disney owns ABC. Pwned.
*Smacks both of them with rolled up Newspaper* Listen, it's not like Kairi wanted all the bad stuff to happen. I mean, Riku would have gotten to find other worlds anyway because he was the rightful Keyblade bearer. Plus, I don't think them building the raft had anything to do with the heartless.
Sora definately. I'd get to hang with mah bois Donald and Goofy.
"You're a really good tranier," Jason complimented Rei, "Lemme walk you to the Pokemon Center, we can both go get our Pokemon healed.".
Squirtle wasn't done JUST yet... He came back around and spun in place right where Torchic was going to land. "Alright! Way to go Squirts! We almost got this!".
As long as it stops the SoRiku fangirls.
((OOC: Sure, why not?))
Squrtile was pecked in the face by Torchic. "Squirts, jump back and go in for the finish with Rapid Spin!" Squirtle tuckeled itself into it's shell and began to spin speedily. It shot off towards Torchic with the intent of KOing it.