I love RPG!! action adventure puzzle and strategy i like games that make you think
this one is a long one so be prepared to read!! Chapter 2 "The meeting" It was the night of the double dates. Sora, Kairi, Roxas, and Namine all carpooled. But they were running a bit late so they were 10 minutes late to the movie. But it was easy to spot Riku (he was the only one with bright silver hair.) But couldn't really see his date at all because it was a very dark movie house. ~2 hours later~ Once the movie was movie was over Roxas and Sora couldn't get out of there fast enough.But once they got out there they saw her. They were utterly shocked. It was Larxene!!!Sora couldn't believe it!Sora dragged Riku off and Roxas followed. "Riku......have you got IN F***IN SANE!!!! "What are you talking about Sora!" "Can you not see!!!!" Sora yelled "Why yes Sora i can see." "THEN TELL ME WHY YOU DATING NUMBER XII OF ORGANIZATION XIII YOU IDIOT." "Well she didn't tell me I swear!" "Well do you remember the antennas!! Who could miss those suckers!If you stand too close to her she'll pop you eye out!" Roxas chuckled Riku yelled, " Roxas could you please shut up!" "At least I'm not dating the organization girl!!" ~Back by the Girls~ "Kairi what are we going to do? I mean this is Larxene! What are we supposed to say? Who's eye have you popped out lately?" "okay I'm going to say hi." "Hi, I'm Kairi." "I'm Namine, hi." "I'm Lar- Kairi and Namine looked at each other."We know who you are." They said together. "You......................do?" Larxene was caught off guard. What was she supposed to say? "Ummm......................well I left the organization long ago so I really don't know." Larxene thought that was a clever answer so she left it at that. ~back with the boys~ "WHY ARE YOU SEEING A GIRL WHO TRIED TO KILL ME!" Sora yelled. "Sora, think you need to calm down." "CALM I AM CALM!!Sora yelled. "okay you want me to be calm." Sora stopped slamming Riku into the wall. "Okay I'm calm." "Now Riku I have one question. Why her? No wait i have I have a better question. Why do you want me to die?!" "Sora I swear she didn't tell me!" "Oh really so you didn't notice the black coat at all?!" "I thought it was just for comfort." "You know what Mansex probably sent her to get close to you then kill me!" "Don't you mean Xemnas?" Roxas questioned. "Xemnas, Mansex it's the same guy." Roxas just rolled his eyes "Please Sora it's not like that! We still haven't finished our date let's just go to dinner." "Alright but if she tries to kill me I'm killing back!" "Okay deal."
nice cool story! keep going!
awesome vids dude awesome sauce....
that was pathetic
is there more?
I've seen that like 10 times before each time i fall outta my chair laughing
that was awesome sauce!
are you going to write more???
that was deep man deep you should write more
Name:Joxss Weapon/ability: sky (can make storms) Base story: part of organization a evil girl that likes to make jokes Nature:evil Good bad/bad guy:bad guy Heartless/Nobodie: nobody Where u wanna appear: one of the begining chapters Bonus character?:N/A I'll post the first chapter right now. Here's the first chapter but it's more like a prologue cuz it's when Roxas finds Sora.
what about those like swedish mattresses ? I heard those are really good.
sorry bout the grammar and stuff i usually try to save my grammar hat for book reports and stuff =P but i will try to work on it thanks for the great comments!!! but before i go on with the next chapter who's do you think riku is going out with?
that was soo funny!!!
i love it!! but the roxas axel part wasn't surprising
okay so you know how Sora is with Kairi and Roxas is with Namine right? so what about Riku? i have asked myself this very question who's Riku's girl? this will answer that very question. DISCLAIMER!!!OKAY I DON'T OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS IF I DID I WOULDN'T BE WRITING THIS!!! SECOND!! THIS HAS SOME SEXUAL REFERENCES AND STUFF SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ CUZ I WILL BE STONED TO DEATH!!!OKAY YOU PEOPLE GOT IT? GOOD! so if you don't mind that stuff please read! thanx! Sora,Riku,and Roxas had planned a guys day out while the girls went to the spa. "Riku, you really need to find yourself a girl." Sora commented "Well, funny you mentioned it......" "Are you saying you met a girl and didn't tell us about it?" Roxas said surprised "Well i didn't want you guys to freak out." "Never mind that how did you met her?"" Sora questioned "Well I was at this club and I saw this girl she looked really lonely so I went over there and asked her if i could buy her a drink and she said okay. So we got to talking and she gave me her phone number and then-" Sora interrupted "Have you called her yet? No, wait the real question is when can we meet her?" "Let's see let me check ummmm.........never." "What!" Roxas yelled "I don't want you guys screwing it up like the last time." "When have we even ruined one of your dates?" Sora asked "Remember Sarah?!?!" "Oh yeah i remember now," they said together. "We really shouldn't have hired those stripers......." "See that what I'm talking about!" "Well that was a long time ago and we're way more mature now!" "Well I'm still not quite convinced." "Please Riku!!" Roxas yelled. "I will think about...." "Riku, there's nothing you have to think about you can trust us,"Sora replied. "Alright I give, you can meet her." "Yes!" *roxas and sora high five* "But on one condition....." "Awwwwwwww....... we we were so close."Roxas remarked "Sora you have to bring Kairi and Roxas you have to bring Namine." "What! Why!! Your joking right!?" "No, I'm not. This is the only way I know you two will stay in line." "Alright we'll bring them," they both said sadly. ~At the spa~ "I wonder what the guys are doing," Kairi said while getting a massage. "Who's know what they could be doing,"namine replied. "You know how you and Roxas are going out and me and Sora are going out....." "Yeah so..." "Sometimes i wish Riku would find a girlfriend,"Kairi said. "Yeah same here," namine was into her massage to much to find a full answer. "Cuz i mean i love hanging out with you it's just that it seems like I'm talkin' with myself." "Dido, do you know someone?"namine said questioned. "Actually i do,"Kairi dug through her purse trying to find her phone book.
that's so cute i love it!!! That's such a great ending!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
that 's soo funny!!! next one!!! *sits on edge of chair*
that was funny!
wow cool please keep going *is on edge of seat*