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  1. i love axel ^^
    whoa! what happens?
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. i love axel ^^
    who was it!! next chapter next chapter!!!!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. i love axel ^^
    awww that was cute!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. i love axel ^^
    thanks i think you be very surprised what happens......... ps: sorry you have a cold!!

    okay the thing with fan-fic's is that it's different than the real story line. It just has the same people and their same personalities. But i just thought that since Roxas is with Namine and Sora is with Kairi then who's Riku's girl? I know it can kinda get confusing but sometimes that's how fan-fics are. Thanks for commenting!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. i love axel ^^
    hmmmm............i it kairi??
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. i love axel ^^
    that was so cool!!!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. i love axel ^^
    i sure will!

    hi!! (again)

    okay people!! the next chapter is out!!!

    ~Chapter 12~

    Larxene go tin the driver seat of Riku's caar.

    "So where are we going?" Riku asked.

    "You'll see soon enough." Soon after she drove into a parking lot.

    "What is this place?" Riku asked again.

    "You ask too many questions!" she grabbed his hand and ran, "Come on you slow poke!" Riku then saw that they were at a park.

    Why did you bring me here?! he thought to himself. Then he saw a lake.

    "One please." Larxene told a man in a booth. She then handed him a 5 dollar bill. Larxene then shoved Riku into a gaint swan.

    'What is this?" Riku asked.

    "You haven't done this before?" Larxene said.


    "Okay all what you do is pedal like bike."

    "Like this?" Riku started pedaling.

    "Yeah exactly." They spent a least 1 hour just going around this huge lake. They were talking non-stop, and laughing. When they brought it back they were still laughing. It was about mid day so it was kinda hot. Riku then saw a ice cream booth. He grabbed Larxene's hand and sprinted to it. But Larxene wasn't paying attention and tripped on a big rock and fell right on top of Riku. (XP) They were locked eyes for what seemed ages. Then Riku finally kissed her. They were kissing for ages. Finally they came up for breath. Larxene sat down on the grass. Riku was still on the ground shocked at what a good kiss that was.

    "Wow...." He finally said.He then sat up. "I have to say that was the b-" Riku was interrupted by getting glomped on to and kissed. Larxene got off.

    "Do you umm......wanna go to my place?" She asked.Riku thought about the answer. He knew what this would mean.



    soo sorry it's a really short chapter!! So please forgive me but i wanna add some suspense.
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. i love axel ^^
    yes duhh duhh duhh

    but you have to remember that Roxas didn't know till that morning but you'll see. I actually thought it was kinda obivous who did it but okay i should shut up now.......
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. i love axel ^^
    i'll right everyone i finished my stupid science project!!!! so that means i actually get to post!!
    okay everyone please don't kill me i'm back for sure now

    chapter 11

    "Dude! Turn around now!!!" Sora yelled at Riku.

    "Dude what's wrong?" Riku asked.

    "I'll tell you later just drop me off at my apartment quick!"

    "Okay okay!"

    ~ 5 minutes later~
    They dropped off Sora and he ran in.

    "I wonder what that was about....," Riku said aloud.

    "I have no idea and I'm not sure i wanna know......," Roxas said. "Well you still wanna go to the gym?"

    "Nah, I think I'm going to have breakfast with Larxene," Riku answered.

    "Oh okay just drop me off at home then."

    ~10 minutes later~

    "See ya later!!" Riku called out.

    'See ya!" Roxas yelled back.

    Riku then went home. He dropped his keys on his desk. He saw Larxene's number on his kitchen counter top. He got his phone and dialed the number.

    "Hello?" Larxene picked up.

    "Hi, Larxene it's Riku," he was getting nervous his palms were sweating.

    "Oh hi Riku what's up?" she answered.

    "Nothing much do you wanna have breakfast with me?" Riku asked while squinting his eyes waiting for an answer.

    "Sure! where at?" she said.

    "Umm...... how bout' ihop? I'll come pick you up in about 20 minutes." Riku answered.

    "Sounds like a plan. See ya then." she said.

    "See ya." Riku hung up. "Wow that was easier than expected." Riku some on some clean jean and a clean shirt. He didn't want to look like he was trying to hard. Yet he didn't want to look like he didn't care. He sighed, "This dating **** is hard!" He grabbed his keys and went to pick up Larxene. When he saw Larxene outside he was shocked. She wore a dress a little passed her knees. Her hair wasn't in the eye-popping sort-of way (lolz). the dress she wore was a nice summer dress with different flowers on it. Riku figures that Marly made it for her. Her hair was down and wavy.
    Riku went around and opened her door. He got back in. "Wow you"

    "Why thank you,'' she said. Went they got a table it was a window booth. Riku ordered pancakes with blue berries and rassberries, with bacon and hashbrowns. Larxene ordered the same with extra rasberries and some syrup. After ten minutes of just some chit chat. the food finally came.

    "So how was your date with Audrey?" Riku choked on his pancakes a little. He drank some of his orange juice. "Ummmm.........well," Riku hesitated. What was he suposed to say? "First may I ask how you know?"

    "Let's just say a little birdie told me....." Larxene said. Riku thought to himself who would do that to him?
    Larxene snapped him out of his thoughts. "So how was it? Did you sleep with her?" Riku choked again but this time on his hashbrowns. He drank more of his orange juice.

    "No I didn't sleep with her. You know I wouldn't do that."

    "I just wanted to let you know that i'm seeing someone else too," Larxene said. Riku then again choked but this time on his bacon.

    Larxene giggled, "Wow you choke a lot."

    Riku drank more of his orange juice. "Well i have moment in my life where it just kinda happens." Riku said. Larxene giggled again. Riku laughed too.

    "You done?" Larxene asked.

    "Yup," Riku said.

    "Good i wanna show you something." Larxene said.
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. i love axel ^^
    I'm sooo sorry guys!!!! big project i have to work on!!! but it's here!!

    ~Next Morning~

    Riku awoke to a knock on his door. He looked at his clock, 7:30 "Ugh...."Riku got up and opened the door and there stood Sora and Roxas in their work out clothes.

    "Come on dude get dressed!"Sora and Roxas walked in.

    "Yes please come in," Riku said. He closed the door. "So why did you guys come down here?"

    "We were going to workout and we came over to see if you wanna come. So you wanna come?"Roxas said.

    "Yeah sure hold on a second." Riku put on a shirt and his shorts. They drove to the gym.

    "So what happened last night?" Sora asked Riku.

    "What are you talking about?" Roxas said.

    "Oh yeah I forgot you weren't there," Sora explained to Roxas what happened.

    "Oh. So what happened."

    "Well it was a good date. But when I got home I found a note from Larxene saying she came by when i wasn't home.But what i wanna know is how and the hell did she find out where I live!"

    "Maybe she looked you up......,"Roxas said quietly.

    "You called her didn't you?" Riku said.

    "Ummm........maybe.......,"Roxas said, "But only to say hi and when she was going to call you...."

    "Why would you do something like that you idiot!!!" Riku yelled.

    "Well you weren't doing anything so I thought i would......"

    "Okay but don't do that ever ever again!!! Or i will kill!!" Riku yelled. "So what happened with you guys? O wait I already know!!!" Riku said sarcasticly.

    'Yeah sorry about that but man....,"Sora said,"It was Friday that's when couples you know...."

    "Man I really wish i had a girlfriend" Riku said.

    "Well you have two chances now." Roxas said.

    A phone rand and it was Sora's. "Hello? You're what?!?!?!"
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  11. i love axel ^^
    that was friggin funny!!!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 19, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  12. i love axel ^^
    so sos sosososososo sorry you guys!! way to much homework lately!!(and reading to much manga) *Cough*

    Chapter 9


    This one wasn't a triple date this time. Riku and Audrey went to a nice quiet dinner. They talked and talked for at least two hours. Finally at 10:00 pm they decided to call it a night. He drove her home and she gave him a nice kiss on the cheek.

    "I'll be sure to call you," She said.

    "I"ll see ya later then,"Riku said back.

    Riku got into his car and called Roxas. "Hey man what's up!?" Riku really needed to talk someone to talk to about his night. So he was desperate.....

    "This isn't the a good time man," Riku then heard the mmmm sounds of Namine.

    "Oh. I hear.I'll call you back later then,"Riku hung up and called Sora.

    "Hey dude what you up to?"Riku said.

    "Dude totally not the right time,"Riku then heard mmmm sounds of Kairi.Riku quietly hung up.

    "WHY IS EVERYONE GETTING SOME BUT ME!!" He then drove off to his apartment. There was a note on the door it said:
    Hey! It's Larxene. I dropped by but you weren't home so call me. 643-9377 thanks! ^^

    Riku stared at the note.He sighed.Once he got inside he called her. She didn't answer so he left a message. He took off his shirt, (has a nosebleed) took off his pants (more nosebleed) and put on his p-j's and went to bed.

    the next one will be out soon i swear to it!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. i love axel ^^
    great story just you need to work on your grammer
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. i love axel ^^

    thanks that gives me an idea!

    yup she does a lot of spying i guess........
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. i love axel ^^
    here the next page people!! sorry it took a while.

    Chapter 9

    Riku and the girl then walked to the nearby coffee shop.

    "Well we really haven't been formally introduced.Hi,I'm Riku."

    "I'm Audrey,"She said cooly.

    "That's a very pretty name."Riku said

    "Thank you."

    Sora and Kairi then caught up to them.They were watching from a bush."Come on we got to get closer."Kairi said.

    "You know what i just realized Kairi?"Sora said.



    Kairi ignored the rude comment and pulled stuff outta of her purse.

    "Here put this on,"She told Sora.She handed him a tan coat and a fake mustache with glasses.

    "Are you serious? Do you really keep this stuff in your purse?"

    "Well I do a lot of spying."Kairi replied. Sora sighed and rolled his eyes.

    "Hurry up!"Kairi yelled.

    "I'm hurrying!" Once Sora was done they moved a few tabled away.

    "Please explain this to me again,"Sora whispered to Kairi.

    "Okay what we are doing is spying.I'm trying to hear what they are saying so shut up!"

    Riku and Audrey were really hitting it off.

    "So what do you do?"Audrey asked Riku.

    "Well mainly I'm a keyblade weilder.But on the side I'm a photographer."

    "Wow. Do you get to travel a lot?"Audrey questioned.

    "Well I've been to many worlds."Riku replied.

    "Where have you gone?"

    "Way to many to count really."

    "Well that must be must be great!"

    "Yeah it really is.So do you get to travel a lot?"Riku asked.

    "No I don't.I'm just the editor for the local newspaper."

    "Well that might be a little exciting?"

    "Not really."

    They both laughed.

    Then out of the great blue sea she asked, "Are you seeing anyone?"

    Riku had no idea what to say."Well I had actually a triple date with my two friends and their girlfriends.But she hasn't called me back so i guess not."

    "You wanna go out on Friday?" she asked.


    "Call me,"She handed Riku a card.

    "I have to get going.See you on Friday."

    "Great. Bye."

    "Bye,"She walked away.

    "Okay guys you can come out now," Riku said aloud.

    "How did you know?"Kairi asked.

    "Trust me.You guys aren't exactly 007."

    Fin! for now.......

    now guys i need some help I really don't know what to put for the next chapters so give me any idea you got! thanks!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. i love axel ^^
    I'll test it too!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 4, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. i love axel ^^
    great story I can't wait till the next one!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. i love axel ^^
    can i be demyx?
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. i love axel ^^
    I'm sooooooooo sorry guys! I had alot of stuff going on but here the next chapter!

    Chapter 8
    Riku was looking around for Sora."Where could he be?"Riku said to himself.
    He wasn't looking where he was going.Then a girl on her cell phone looking through some papers wasn't looking where she was going.


    They collided. Papers went flying everywhere. When Riku looked up he saw a beautiful girl.
    The girl got up. Riku picked up some of the papers.

    "So are you a writer?"Riku asked her.

    "No actually I'm a editor."She replied.

    "Really? That mast be an interesting profession,"Riku said.

    "At times.But not really." They laughed.

    Then Riku asked,"Would you mind getting a cup of coffee or something?"

    "Ummmmm................that sounds great!Where do you wanna go?"She said.

    "Well I know this really great place-"Riku said.That was all Kairi and Sora heard.The silence was very loud.

    "Well that was unexpected,"Sora finally broke the silence.

    "UNEXPECTED!! THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY!!"Kairi yelled.

    "Well yeah.I mean I didn't except that to happen,"Sora said.

    "I don't think anyone could have planned that,"Kairi said.

    "Well you tried to!"Sora said.

    Kairi grabbed Sora."Come on!We got to follow them!"

    FIN (for now.........)

    next chapter should be out soon!
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. i love axel ^^
    you'll find out soon enough

    all in du time

    or so you think......*plays dramatic music*
    Post by: i love axel ^^, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Archives