that's what i'm trying to do. I really think this is going to be the best thing i've written. hopefully..... Yeah i really don't know either. She doesn't ask just looks at me strangely...but I will keep working hard i can assure you people that!
lol. Bribes now? this could get interesting Tank you! yeah that's what everyone says! lol XD Tank you! I'm working on it believe me! I'm sorry! but the last chapter will be good i promise! YAY! KIRBY KASH! okay here's what i'll do...i'll break it up into little parts! Is that good? oh and since you people are so nice call me Joss! You better give me that Kirby Kash backs! lol Those are awesome! lol. So you got something for Kirby eh? lol ......ummm.....i really don't want to die or Kirby soooooo.....IT WILL NEVER END! *cough* lie! *cough* UPDATEs! I assure you i am working! I'm not slacking! Plus my mom has been giving me weird looks when i write which is weird......but whatever!it will be here! Writing the last one is REALLY hard work! It's getting there! Love you all! ~Joss
Awwww......and what could ruin this nice moment? Riku of course! lol i finally got to read your fic! great job! keep it up!
Well i'm hoping and praying on a third one. I heard that they will finish off FF and just do kingdom hearts. But then again that's just something i heard. It could be just a rumor.I just really really hope that there is a three one.
AWWW!!! i'm so loved!! thank you for checking on that i was like confusing myself. lol i'm one of your favorite authors!! that's so sweet! I LOVE YOU KIRBY!!! that's a great pairing too! thanks for reading! UPDATE! okays people I'm sooooo close to finishing the last chapter!!! Please be patient! I just need like 2 more pages and I'm like done! And currently it's about 6 pages long! be be ready to read! Thanks again for reading and commenting! You are all so awesome!
i finally got to read your fan-fic!! yays!!(even though i should be working on my own) *Cough* well this is very interesting. I wonder how it will turn out!
LOL!!!1 yeah i do that sometimes and my bro usually calls me a weirdo. Thanks for the comment. I'll be sure to check out your story! YES!!!! A FELLOW SISTER!!!! ummm.....i guess so.i really like the Zemyx! By the way i'm working on an Akuroku. I haven't posted anything yet, but i figure i should write the first few chapters then post. I'm not posting here but probably on my DA. It's nice to know someone's on my side! Thanks for the comment! oh it was going to be a Riku's POV and i thought it would be nice to wrap everything up with. I'm working on it. I really want to last chapter to be great for you guys. Please be patient! Thanks for the comment!
AWWW!! i love you kirby! Thank you so much! you make me feel warm and fuzzy inside! :glomp: thank you so much! You all make me feel so good! :glomp:
yeahs okay i'm just a tenny tinny bit of a yaoi fan girl alright? there i said it. I couldn't help myself! but thank you for still reading! and giving me another job opportunity....... thank you. i couldn't help the yaoi. i'm sorry. Thanks for still reading! Little bit of update: i'm actually thinking about having that as the last Chapter and having a really long chapter in Riku POV (Point of View). But tell me what you guys think. thank you again all my readers!:glomp:'s that was deep yo's.......maybe i should change me future's a though.....i'll think about it.... i'm okays now ;D but i couldn't like sleep at all last night. Soooooooo i decided to think about's the chapter.Not that i hadn't before. So at like midnight i decided to actutally write it:D so here's it is! Chapter i still don't know Finally Namine let go and looked at Riku. As he looked at her he noticed red eyes, he knew she was crying. "What happened?" Riku said after a long silence. "He's cheating on me..." Namine said with a cold and dull sound to her voice, "So i broke up with him..." Wow...he never really expected this."How did you find out?" Riku asked cautiously. "It really doesn't matter anymore." Namine then plopped on Riku's couch. Riku began to open his mouth to say something but closed it. "I knew it was ending anyways," she said while peeking through the curtains to the world below. "Roxas never said anything about you two breaking up," Riku replied honestly. "Well that's in the past. I've really came here to ask to something..." Naimne said while standing up. "What?" "Can i stay here till I find a place?" Riku a little shocked at the request took a step back. "Um...s-sure," Then Namine went back into the hall and picked up a suitcase. "Thanks Riku it means a lot!" she gave him hug."So...where would i be staying?" Riku then led her to the extra bedroom. She then swung her suit case on the bed and began un-packing. Riku leaned himself against the door frame. "I'll try not to invade your personal life too much,"she said while beginning to hang clothes. Riku hadn't really noticed but were all of Namine's clothes white? "Well don't really have much of one now of days." "Oh what happened?" She said with her voice full of concern. "Oh i just kinda broke up with both of them." "I hate to say it but i'm kinda glad." "Really why?" Riku asked. "Please Riku, did you really think that the 'bug lady' was any good?" They both laughed and said good night. ~2 months later~ Riku and Namine had become so close during the last two months. They hung out on weekends all the time. Riku still was with Sora friends but it wasn't the same as it was before. When they talked it was awkward. Sora was now busy with a new part of his life. It seemed as if Kairi and Sora now only hung out with other couples. Sora would sometimes call to update on the pregnancy. It was times like this when it was awkward. He really didn't know what to talk about. He usually said he had to go or something like that. He really wished that they could be good friends again. It seemed as if the same thing was happening to Namine's and Kairi's relationship. But they really didn't talk about it much. Riku then snapped back to reality hearing Namine speak. "So my silver haired roommate, what shall we rent tonight?" Namine said while browsing up and down the sections of movies. Riku chuckled at the way he was being call to, "I don't know, my dear Namine. By the way it's your turn to pick the movie." "Oh is it?" Namine said, 'How 'bout's this?" She said while pointing to a cover of a girl and a guy. "Please Namine, not another chick flick!" Riku said mockingly. "But this one looks so cute!" Namine exclaimed. "Fine I guess I can sit through another one. But next time I pick and it's going to be a gory movie!" Namine chuckled and grabbed the movie. "Your such a doll Riku!" She said while running to the cashier. Riku ran his hands threw his hair and laughed at the energetic blonde. He couldn't believe it had already been two months! Time really does go by fast. Geez...he really didn't think that Namine would stay with him this long. He then saw Namine waving her arms around and calling Riku. Chuckling he walked after her. They of course walked back to the apartment, it was only 2 blocks away. Plus Namine said it was 'good exercise'. They saw their buliding in sight but then he heard a voice calling his name. It sounded familar...He turned around seeing a familiar face. "Is that you Riku?" The person said. "Oh my gosh! Is that you Demyx?!" Riku exclaimed pulling him into a hug. "Geez dude I haven't seen you in a million years! Once I saw that silver hair I knew it was you!" They chuckled. Then Riku noticed a person next to him. "Oh my gosh I'm so rude! Riku this is Zexion my boyfriend, Zexion this is Riku an old high school friend." They exchanged a nice hand shake. Demyx then turned to Namine. "Oh Namine this is Demyx and Demyx this is Namine," Riku said. They shook hands and exchanged a few kind words. Then the same with Zexion. "So Riku is this your girlfreind?" Demyx asked with a smirk on his face. All thinking was just dissolved in those few words. Riku was shocked he asked something like that. At that point in time he honestly didn't know what to say. But he soon recovered. "Um...No no we just are friends that live together," finally choked out. "Oh alright," he checked his watch,"Shoot we have to go," he rummaged through his wallet and found a card." But here, here's my card," he handed it to Riku." It was really great talking to you!" He shouted while running. "It was really great meeting you." Riku and Zexion shook hands again. He then turned to Namine, "Nice to meet you too." He then began to run after Demyx,"Wait up Dem!" Riku chuckled he turned to Namine. They exchanged a simple smile and walked to the apartment door. Riku stuck his key in the lock, turned it, and walked in. He threw his keys on the table and collapsed on the couch. "Well that's was nice seeing him again," Riku said. Namine chuckled, "You have some weird friends." ~~~~~~~ okay yeah i know really dumb ending. like i said before i only make references! the next one out soon! :D
now you will just have to wait now? won't you? WON'T YOU!LOL i just had like 10 glasses of lemonade! IT NOT ME! IT THE SUGAR!!!LOL. okays then. so yeah i'm a little high on sugar.....poor kirby......well i think the next chaper will be like out....soon.....hopefully......stay hopeful.....yeah i have got to stop with SO much will be here! thanks you very much! i feel so special!
lo thanks! patience me dear one. Good things come to those who wait...... :) yeah i'm not dead...........yet.......and i don't plan to be in while! By the way this story only has like 2 or 3 chapters left and then a Epilogue so.......yeah. If you guys have like an idea or something you can like pm me or something like that. I'll take anything i can get. I can't believe people actually read this still.......but i'm glad they do! i wanna thanks you guys so much for reading and being so awesome! So Thanks!:glomp: people i really don't know where i'm going with this! First it was all about Riku now it's like all about Sora and Kairi! I have no idea where my muse is going with this! Plus i think i'm going to Soapie writer. Okay MAJOR Drama chapie. I think I'll somehow get this back to Riku.......somehow. FYI: i'm going to be out of town for like a week so......there won't be like a chapter for a week......But i think i have the ending all planned out!!1 In due time......all in due time...... Chapie ??? i seriously no idea!...... For the next few weeks it was really about Kairi and Sora.Riku had no idea Namine and Kairi had so many friends. Everywhere he saw them. Running around asking Kairi if she wanted anything or was feeling okay. It was getting a bit annoying. Course Sora had to always drag both Roxas and Riku along to baby parties. Riku always thought about if he should call Larxene or not. What about Audrey? Lately she's been all clingy and stuff. Riku wasn't sure what to do anymore. He would usually be comforted by Namine who seemed to know wherever he was. She was always really nice and would always make him see the bright side of things. "I've go to stop going to all these parties..." Riku said while pushing away his half eaten cake. "Yeah your getting cubby!" Roxas said while cleaning a table. "Oh shut up Rox!" He yelled back. He then heard him laughing "Why do we have like 4 parties like each week?" Roxas asked. "Beats me. Why don't you ask the future Mother and Father?" Riku said while going through his cell phone's phonebook and landing on Larxene. He sighed and closed his phone. "What's eating you?" Roxas asking and threw a wash cloth at Riku. Riku threw it back,"I haven't called Larxene and I'm afraid if I do she'll bite my head off," he laughed. "Well look at it this way.......if you really liked her you would have called her by now. All I'm saying is when you really like someone, you call them," As soon as that was said Roxas' phone rang. He checked it. "Oh I got to go. See ya!" With that Roxas ran off. "I wonder what that was about," Riku thought out loud. "I don't know he's been doing that lately," Namine then stepped in the room. "Either way your calling Larxene." "What do you mean?" "Well if you wanna start things back up again you should call her, or you call her to tell her it's over. Simple as that." "I don't know what i want to do...." Riku said sinking into his chair. Namine then sat next to him,"Well decide. Then come talk to me, if you want." "Thanks for talking with me and stuff." "No worries. what are friends for anyways?" Namine than walked away. "See you at next week's party!" "Don't remind me...." Riku then got up and went home. The trip home was interesting. He began to think about everything that happened these few weeks. Kairi and Sora had found out Kairi was pregnant, Then they almost lost the baby,Roxas was secretly going off and doing something, and he and Namine had been getting really close. It was too much for just a couple of weeks. Once he got home he threw his keys and phone on the table and flopped on his couch. He soon fell asleep. ~ few hours later~ Riku blinked his eyes open. He went over to his computer. Logging into his msn account he checked his email. 'You have 28 new messages' "What the heck??" They were all from Larxene! "How the hell did she get my email??" Going through them, she was like threating to kill him. Using language that he didn't even know of. Then the newest ones were like pleading him to come back to her. "Wow what a freak!" He deleted them all and sent her a break up email. It was over. Why did he ever go out with her in the first place? With his new found confidence he called Audrey and broke that off too. He felt so good. Then his attention was directed to the door which someone was banging on. Looking through the peep hole he saw Namine. As soon he opened the door she buried her face in Riku's chest. He stood there holding her. Yet she didn't cry. But it seemed as if she was clinging to him for dear life..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow this chapter was much better than i thought! GO MY MUSE!! I GOT A 100% ON MY MATH FINAL!! BOO YA!!! all right as i said before i'm going to be out of town for like a week sooo......yeah
wow that's interesting lol but i might have to take the mirrors outta of my house for what happens next.......i'm sooo evil!!! *Evil laugh* thank you You make me feel all good inside *Tears* nice to know i have fans! no worries i won't! I want to have a good and long chapter for you guys to read! So it might take a little while. But not a couple months! I swear!!! It's weird when i'm at school trying to write it and everyone's asking me ' Are you writing a story!? I wanna read!!' it gets annoying!! But anyways i think this will be my best chapter yet!! Even though i'm really now becoming a soap opera writer.... *tear* maybe i should be one of those..... okay my fingers are hurting now. It will be here soon!!
omg!! i am the meanest person ever!!! i'm soooooooooooooooooo sorry!!!i am the most awful person ever!!! please please please forgive me!!! you all can kill me if you want!!! i'm so sorry!!!okay this is like a major soap opera moment okay! Chapter 18 Sora ran to the doctor. "Is is okay?!?" "Yes son it's going to be fine. But Kairi I'm going to give you a prescription that you have to take." The doctor jotted it down on a piece of paper."Take them twice a day after a meal." "Thanks you so much doctor!"and shook the doctors hand. "It my job. Even though the baby is okay we are going to have to keep you for the next few days Kairi." He then left the room. Sora was now shedding tears. Sora gave Kairi a deep kiss. He then broke it off "Well to celebrate i'm getting drinks. What do you guys want?" Sora said. They of course all said they wanted something. Sora jotted them down and headed out the door. "Can I come Sora?"Riku asked. "Sure." They then headed into the hall.As soon as the door closed Riku talked. "Dude what the heck are you going to do?!" "What do you mean?" "What do you mean what do I mean! Your having a kid with your girlfriend!" "I never really thought about it like that. I guess your right...." "Hell yeah I'm right. Have you guys even talked about it?" "Yeah we have." "Well?" "I said i would always be there even if we split up. I would always help." "So you guys haven't thought about the possibility of marriage?" "I asked if she wanted to get married but she never really gave me a real answer." "Well Sora...." "What?" "I think you need to propose." "WHAT! You sure about that?" "Yup I'm sure." They then found themselves in the cafeteria. They got what everyone wanted. They threw it in a bag and payed for it. "So when you wanna go?" Riku asked "Go where?" "Well you can't really propose if you don't have a ring." "I'm still not so sure about that Riku......" "How can you not be sure!" Sora went silent. "You love her don't you?" "Course I do! I'm just not sure...." "What aren't you sure about?" Riku insisted "If........if........if I can be a parent....." "Sora i have no doubt in you. I think you'll be an excellent Dad." Sora smiled,"Thanks Riku." "So I'm the best man right?" Riku nudged Sora. "Well...." "WHAT!?" "Well Roxas introduced me to Kairi "Who cares! I've been you best friend since like forever!!" "Okay Okay you'll be my bestman." "Alright!!!" "But if he kills you not my fault." They walked into the room and saw Kairi, Namine, and Roxas all sleeping. "Well there a few bucks down the drain." Sora said and threw the bag on a chair. "Your right about that." Riku said while sitting down. Riku then cracked open his cranberry juice and stared at Sora stroking Kairi's hand. Riku really wished he had someone like Kairi. He let out a sigh. Sora turned around. 'What are you sighing about?" Sora asked "Oh. Nothing just alot on my mind," the room was then back to silence. Until Sora spoke up. "I don't know how we're going to tell them." "Tell who?" "Our parents." "Oh yeah that's going to be hard." Riku said with a chuckle. Sora sighed and buried his face in his palms. "What do you think they will say?" "I don't know. I have no idea....." ~~~~~~~~~~~ okay people i'm am the most meanest person!! I'm sorry!!! You have my permission to kill me! I'm so sorry!!!!!
lol suuuuuuuure~...... thanks i sure will! yeah i guess i should put like some kind of disclaimer on it...... sorry bout that.... yeah i go a little overboard.....sorry!!:sorry: okay people sorry out it being i little late. i had a science test so yeah....... Chapie 17 "What's wrong Sora?" Sora began to cry. "She's........she's.......pregnant," Riku heard through the sobs."She might lose it......" riku was shocked. How could Kairi be pregnant? Sora had always said he used 'protection'. But Sora never told him that Kairi took birth control..... "Oh my God Sora......are you going to be okay?" "Yeah come on....." Sora had now composed himself. Sora led the way to the elevator. He pressed a botton and he and Riku then stepped in. The elevator went up and they were on the 6th floor. Riku then saw Namine and Roxas sitting next to each other. "How is she?" Riku asked worried. "She's fine but the baby..." Namine started to say. Roxas then finished it," It doesn't look good...." Riku then looked at Sora who had sat in a corner chair trying to compose himself. Riku sat next to him. "Sora whatever happens she'll still love you." Sora didn't respond. They sat there for ten minutes seeming forever. "I don't know what I'll do..." Riku heard the sorrow in his voice. Riku hated hearing his friend like this. He never heard Sora like that. The doctor then came out. Sora ran to him. He ran through some doors. Riku stood up and went after him. Roxas and Naime close behind.He saw him go into room number 2109. Roxas and Naime let themselves in. Before Riku went in he looker at Kairi's chart. He saw that she was already 4 and a half months pregnant. He thought back to that day Sora ran into his apartment. He put the cahrt back and went into the room. Sora was crying in a chair next to Kairi, Naime was crying, and Roxas looked on the verge of tears. Kairi went to Kairi she looked so pale and helpless. He wiped away a tear. "Hey," she said weakly. "Hi," Riku said back. Riku then sat in the chair next to Sora. "How do you feel Kairi?" She was silent for a long time. "I don't know how i feel......" She looked down at her stomach. Tears started to form in her eyes. A doctor walked in, "We have the results back......" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! sorry i have too much fun messing with you guys!
yes and more on the way..... there is going to be a HUGE ONE!! you'll never ever guess!!! *evil laugh* yes soon yeah i thought it was pretty funny too. okay my peoples!!! new chapie!!! Chapie 16!!! okay by the way i'm kinda going back a little so please don't get confused. i don't know why i started this stupid pov!! okay anyways here it is! Hitting himself many times while going to his car. He sighed and slowly opened the car door. He went home and as soon as he opened the door the phone rang. He answered the phone it was Audrey. When he was talking to her for some reason she sounded really annoying. He just said yes to everything she said. So he got himself into a date. He drove down to the place they were meeting because she had a meeting to go to soon. They met there picked their favorite flavors. Riku had oreo ice cream and audrey had a cherry garcia. They sat down to lick at their ice cream. Riku saw a women run out of the ice parlor which he thought was odd but didn't think anything of it. They sat down for 10 minutes just making meaningless small talk. She lokked at her watch. "Oh I got to go. I'll see you later." She gave him a small kiss on the cheek, turned and left. Riku finished up the rest of his cone. For some reason he felt kinda sad. He had never felt this way before. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He picked it up. He realized it was Sora. "Sora?!? What the heck is up with you?" "No time to explain Riku. Just get to the hospital now!" "What happened are you okay?" "I'm fine. JUst come to the hospital!" "Okay okay!" then he hung up. He rushed out and got into his car. He soon was at the hospital. He saw Sora out in front. He parked his car and ran to meet him. "What's wrong? What's going on?!" Riku yelled. "Kairi.... she......she's...." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dundunduuuuuu!!!!
okay i had my notebook!!! yay!!! okay next chapie 15! Larxene slunk into her chair. "Oh my God!! How does he know!!" she yelled. She did know how to answer back. She then sighed and answered back as she usually does. So what do you wanna talk about? He answered back but this time in a IM. You know what i'm talking about Larxene: I have no idea what your talking about Xenmas:Don't be a smart ass! Larxene: I still don't have any idea what your talking about Xenmas: I know who your going out with Larxene didn't know what to say. What would Xenmas do to her! Larxene: who am i going out with Xemy? Xenmas: Axel She fell back in her chair laughing. She decided she would have some fun with this. Larxene: Yeah we're totally going out Xenmas: Well that's actually a relief it explains all the weird nosies coming from his bedroom at night. Larxene: Ummm.... yeah sure..... Xenmas: But Roxas is never in his bedroom i wonder where he goes.... Larxene didn't say anything till a little while. Well i g2g Mansex see ya! She didn't stick around to see the reaction.She turned off her computer. She felt a little sad about seeing Riku with another girl but didn't think that much about it. She sat on the couch wondering what she should do. She had lied to Riku about seeing someone else. Back there she thought she could make him jealous. She thiught about it. Maybe she really should find someone to make him jealous. She got a evil idea. She quickly grabbed to phone and dialed a few numbers. "Hello?" "Hi it's Larxene!" "What a surprise.." "Listen I need a favor........" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ just a note people tomorrow might be the last chapter for a awhile cuz i'm going on a vacation. So i might have the next chapter up tomorrow or not. soooo sorry people!
ya i wanted a cliffhanger for you people to ponder at whoo!! this is the 100th post!! yes i will keep them coming lol true dat! but my friend will probably bite you head off before you do anything to her! XD just be patient it will come......all in due time.......
okay okay i stupidly left me notebook in locker at school but i know you guys what more so this we be from memory okay dokies?!?! Chapie 14 "Ummm i actually think I'm going to take off," Riku said. "Alright then." She headed into her bedroom and found Riku clothes all over the floor. She laughed at then then picked them up. She thew the clothes at Riku. "Here! Get outta here!" She said in a sarcastic voice. He quickly dressed then kissed Larxene tenderly. "I'll see you later okay?" "k..." She said in return. Riku then slipped out of the door. (I'm going to do some Larxene PoV)( for those who doesn't know what that means it point of view)( i actually didn't know that till a couple days ago)(I've been reading alot of stories on the internet lately)(anyways back to the story!!) Larxene then went to check up on her myspace page. Nothing new as she checked it. Same old same old.... She then checked her comments as she saw one from demyx. "Hmmm.....weird i didn't know he had a myspace." She checked out his myspace. It was really cool actually. He did have a bunch of pics from the organization which was lame. His background was of water which Larxene chuckled at that. She then decided to get off. She then decided she needed a ice cream cone. Grabbing her keys and coat her was off. The ice cream parlor wasn't far away so she decided to walk. When she go there she ordered a Rocky Road ice cream cone. That had always been her favorite. She sat down and began to lick at her ice cream. She then turned her head to see Riku walk in. She was about to say hi but then she saw that a girl was with him. She grabbed a menu fast and put in front of herself. They headed to the counter to order ice cream she took this chance to run out. She quickly put the menu down and ran out. She didn't think Riku see her but she wasn't sure. She then walked back to her house. She then decided to check her email. She saw that it was the typical stuff she usually had. she found one from Axel: Hey larxene!! wanna go out some time? ;) She then found one from Roxas: Axel keeps beating me out don't go out with him! Another from Axel: I don't beat him up! another from Roxas: Yes he does!! another from Axel: NO I DON'T YOU LIAR!! This went back and forth and she deleted all of them. she then found one from Demyx: Hey check out my myspace!! He scrolled down and found one from Xemnas she was a little scared to open it. She finally did. Larxene we need to talk
okay ya'll i think I got it this time. please this has some 'weird' scenes so please don't kill me this you don't like it please don't read or comment if you feel uncomfortable thanks!! ~Chapter 13~ (i think....) "Okay come on!" Riku was getting some really weird chills down his spine. This was it, he knew what was coming. He just hopped that he wouldn't make himself look too stupid. When he felt getting pulled brought him out of his thoughts. Soon they got the parking lot. Larxene got in the driving seat and Riku in the passenger seat. She ran up the stairs up to her apartment door. She paused at the door. He Riku didn't know why. She then got out her keys and quickly opened the door. She then grabbed Riku's hand and walked into her bedroom. She then slipped out of her dress and then pinned Riku on the bed. She took off his shirt. She took a few seconds to look at the very muscular Riku. Then she snapped out of it and locked lips with him. Riku now felt incredibly awkward about this. He then felt hands going down his sides and in the front on his pants. He gave a small grunt in protest. Larxene smiled at his protest then un-bottoned his pants and then un-ziped his pants and then slide them off. Riku went a light shade of red. He then felt her on the band on his boxers. His eyes grew the size of plates then pushed her off "I'm sorry larxene......" Riku sighed. "It's okay Riku," she said, "Now where were we?" Sliding her hand across he's chest, and locking lips with him. He pushed her off again. "Larxene...............i can't," Larxene was very puzzled now."I mean we've okay gone on two dates and we're already doing it...... it just doesn't feel right." There was a long moment of silence. Until Larxene broke it. "Are you........ breaking up with me?" "No of course not! It's just i don't feel comfortable doing it yet....."Riku said. Larxene wasn't as tensed now. "So if you don't wanna do that then what do you wanna do?" "I don't know you have any ideas?" Riku said. "Well i do have DDR..." (XD) "Oh really?" "Really really....." "I beat i can kick your butt!" Riku said. "Oh really bring it!" Larxene said while following Riku into the front room. "This will be very interesting playing DDR in our underwear....."Riku commented. "Yes it will," She then kissed Riku deeply. She then pulled away, "I can't wait till I see your face when i kick your butt........" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A couple of hours later~ Riku and Larxene collapsed on the couch hot and sweaty. Larxene then turned to Riku, "Hey you wanna take a shower...." TO BE CONTINUED......... ehhee!! okay i'm sorry i needed at least on chapter with DDR in it. i couldn't help myself. i hope it gives you some more suspense!!! *does evil laugh* XD