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  1. Crypt
    What does that even mean? :o
    Profile Post by Crypt for HeartofFire, Jan 27, 2012
  2. Crypt
    You're completely right. No proof, but doesn't matter, because every source of existance made our world, real or not.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  3. Crypt
  4. Crypt
    And see, also going on what Heart said, there's two possibilities to each "miracle." Some people believe that miracles are the works of God. People like me can draw it back to physics and probability. There's no right answer. But to me, the one I go with makes more sense.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  5. Crypt
    It's just how I've always been. For example (this may be stupid, but) when I used to believe in Santa, I, one Christmas Eve, snuck out to the living room and waited there for a good hour, until I saw my parents putting the presents under the tree. I saw with my own eyes the truth, and now I know. Now, I can't believe something a book says, nor what a pastor says. I have to see it.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  6. Crypt
    I guess it is. I have faith in certain principles there are to follow in life, because I've seen others abide those principles and gotten themselves in trouble. I have faith that I'll one day find out who I'm meant to be, because I've seen people do the same. I have yet to see God, so I can't put my faith into it.

    It may not be what faith truly means, but to me, I can't put my faith into something I've never seen.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  7. Crypt
    It's just hard for me to put faith into something modern day hasn't yet to see and prove it with its own eyes.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  8. Crypt
    To me, I don't necessarily have much religion to my family. I was raised a Baptist, but to me, all of it doesn't add up.

    I'm not denying the existance of a God or THE God. I just don't really believe in one. So to wrap that up, I'm mainly Atheist. However, does that mean I'm quick to back up the proof of God's nonexistance? No. There is no proof that he does or doesn't exist. I was just never given much information of God, Jesus, Heaven, ect. And in all honesty, from the way I've learned in science, it goes against everything that we're taught, mainly being physics. Most of what we learn are things that may not be 100% true, but we're taught to the point where it seems like a perfect explanation, things we can back up. But when you come right down to the theory of Christianity, it doesn't back itself up. We hear stories of Jesus and people who saw him rise from the dead, but do we have modern back-ups that he did all of the stuff Christianity implies? No, we don't. As to when you come down to science, we can.

    Maybe I'm misguided, maybe I can't except that things existing don't have to be provable to the modern eye. But for now, I'm sticking with science. Maybe if the Rapture comes and takes all Christians to heaven, I'll feel differently.

    Now, what's your belief? Any reasons as to why you think that way?
    Thread by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012, 72 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. Crypt
    Welcome, and I'm a bit of a newcomer myself. As probably stated above (haven't checked) read the rules and have fun!
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Crypt
    I collect information.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  11. Crypt
    I don't really believe in Astrology mumbo jumbo, so I don't think that it necessarily matters.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  12. Crypt


    One of my all time favorite dubstep DJs. Something about extremely overplayed, loud basses just makes my spine vibrate and my head jam.
    Thread by: Crypt, Jan 26, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Music
  13. Crypt
    Both my avatar and signature. Are they good? Are they amateur? Feedback helps me a lot. :)
    Thread by: Crypt, Jan 26, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Crypt

    Help Question

    Are Administrators and/or Moderators paid for what they do by the domain creator?
    Thread by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Crypt
    They got rid of Dexter on Netflix, so I have no use for it anymore.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Crypt
    Hypothetical high five for eating when you're bored? :D
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Crypt
    Especially when it's Rebecca Black.

    Post by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Crypt
    There are a lot of things that occupy me.

    Computer Occupations:
    FL Studio 10
    Windows Movie Maker
    "I Wanna be the Guy"
    Adobe Audition 3.0
    Adobe After Effects CS5.5

    Social Occupations (With friends, family, ect.):
    Making videos
    Climbing Trees
    Biking to Albertsons, Food City, and any other place within those areas' perimeter
    Biking to far away neighborhoods
    Walking around, having heated discussions about anything
    Playing with an iPhone
    Playing pool

    Boredom Occupations:
    Watching TV
    Texting any girl in my contacts
    Eat <--- ha

    Post your list below.
    Thread by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Crypt
    Thanks for the welcome, and indeed I do have a question. What's your honest opinion about the role-play community here? I sometimes tend to join the wrong forum to role-play in, seeing as it's full of jerks.
    Post by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Crypt
    Big fan of Kingdom Hearts, and lucky to snipe this name. :)
    Thread by: Crypt, Jan 25, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures