I didn't bother to read the article you posted so I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I'm talking about this. I don't really understand what you're disagreeing with or why that was relevant, to be quite honest, haha. I've had problems in the past getting across why I think the universe was created before. I just have that sense when looking at how things are pieced together not necessarily perfect, but conveniently correspondent to other things. Of course, I'm an Atheist-Deist-Agnosticist, if you will, so my views are sort of self-contradictory at times, like how I tend to argue for and against creationism. Yet...I don't know. When I look at how incredibly convenient things my body, or anyone's body does, I can't help but wonder...why? Then I can say "No reason, the universe just expanded and we just so happened to survive the chaos, ending up these intelligent, complex beings," but it's just weird. It's almost like a puzzle. Things just...fit together and people are supposed to think that it just exists that way. No conscious design or anything of that fashion. Or maybe I'm just an ignorant child who wants something to be more than it is.
Keep mind that I'm a very objective person. If something hasn't been determined in a tangible way, I'm not going to "believe" in it. Yet I still like to philosophically theorize on things whether they're supported or not. What ideas on the shape or structure of the universe do you agree with and support the most? If you think back to the Big Bang, if a singularity were to spontaneously expand, it would expand in all directions...so in that sense, if it expands in every direction, it's spherical. Do you think that multiple universes exist? Well I'm certainly open to the idea. It suggests infinite universes, but want to know the truth? If every universe was based off of time and space, it would actually be finite. Why? Let's assume all universes are the same size. If that's the case, then there's a finite number of ways a certain atom can be arranged in that universe. Yet you need to consider all types of atoms first. There's also a finite number of ways energy can be scattered. It's incredibly large and I'm not going to begin to estimate, but it's true. There's also a finite number of empty spaces that could be places in the universe. So the number is INCREDIBLY large, quite possibly larger than a googolplex. There's also a finite number of points in time that matter or energy could occupy a certain space. So this number is incredibly large, but it's finite. Will we be able to comprehend the size of the universe to the point of easy travel through its immense size, if "comprehension" is even necessary? Well mathematically speaking, warp drive is possible. According to a recent study, it could even be very-well within the range of human accomplishment. If the universe is finite and we were to send a drone out into space using warp speed, we might find an edge. Or the universe is infinite. No one can tell yet. Out of the many hypotheses, how do you think the universe was created? I'm going to get a little Deistic and say that it was created by a being. Whether this being is the Islamic God or some conscious singularity that grabbed a white board and designed a universe is, once again, undecidable. Yet the reason I thing the universe was created by a creator because of it's complexity. Things fall together in our universe so cleverly and complexly that you can't help but question plain cause and effect. The human body is programmed in a way that so conveniently correspond to everything else, like cells that fight damage, eyes that so conveniently reflect light onto our retina, hair that grows that warms us, the sexual organs between a male and female that so fit together perfectly to create life...and this is all unconscious creation? Just...boom, complexity? If there are statistically other intelligent organisms existing in our universe, where are they, and why have they not appeared to us yet? It's highly possible for other intelligent life-forms to exist, but they could be at a lower evolutionary state or an equivalent one. They might be just as stumped about aliens and space travel. Will all universes with similar conditions eventually form intelligent life fitting with their internal physics? With the size of a universe and the probability of a planet landing in a habitable zone...probably. What is the role, if any, of life in a universe? Despite the fact that I think there's a creator, I don't think life was created with a stamped purpose. People always ask why things even exist...things don't have to exist, but they do. In quite contradiction to my previous belief, no one was there to determine the point of things. Things happen because they happen.
Ignore this. Thanks, though. :)
Wow, you know, I was actually wondering to myself if that was possible: to download a pre-saved game. Thanks a lot for your help, man. :)
Using PCSX2. I don't know, does it make a difference? D:
Oh, it does? ;/ I went to Hollow Bastion after applying the code and the Bailey was still undestroyed and the gate wasn't open. ._. You sure it completes all worlds? Or is Hollow Bastion the only exception? xD I don't know, I'll check other worlds. EDIT: AFTER FURTHER EXAMINATION... Well I checked a lot of the key worlds, like The World that Never Was and Twilight Town...I think I found the problem. It doesn't necessarily complete the worlds. It unlocks all worlds and pushes away all of the stories, but doesn't unlock things that NEED the story line to be unlocked. For instance, at TWTNW, the pathway to the White Castle...thing...isn't there...because we needed the story to unlock that. In Twilight Town, you can't fight any of the struggle participants because when I was last there, you couldn't. I never got to play there the second time around and play the story, so I couldn't unlock them. Has its defaults. *sigh* I guess that means I have to actually PLAY the game. UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Well thanks, lol, but I was hoping for "all worlds completed." I really want to fight the data bosses. :o
What's the code to have all worlds completed? :o
sorry, ignore this please
Oh, okay. Well, is it possible to Play as Normal Sora w/ Limit Form Clothing? :D
Hey guys, kind of new to using these codes because I just got KH2FM and a Codebreaker, but I was wondering if it's possible to be the playable Roxas (like in the beginning), but with the Organization Cloak. If it is, I would love to have it. :o
Epic CG animations added. Complex-looking gameplay. New worlds. (Woot, Tron Legacy) Nice outfits. Neku-freakin'-Sakuraba. A lot of cameos. I wish I had the CG render of the protagonists for 3D Studio Max, I could make some really cool animations with them. :)
If one was to have a lengthy conversation with the wife of the Xth President of the United States, where X is defined as the number of years Bob Barker hosted "The Price is Right" (to the nearest year) minus the number of golden rings one would have on the eighth day of Christmas if one's "true love" was to give gifts in accordance with the traditional English Christmas Carol, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," what condition might they have?
Creativity is good. I don't have the patience to sit and write a book, though. :3
It sounds like a mixture of whoever made the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack and a teenage drama anime theme song. :/
Normally when I realize I'm dreaming my brain snaps awake and it's morning. I have had a couple dreams about a girl in my life and I controlled the story. :)
I guess I can enter my girl I drew. :) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/215/animegirl2.png/
When you're bored in math, what better way to pass the time than draw a beautiful girl?
That's just... :o
Kids hardly ever learn their lesson. From my experience in middle school, they could care less about being suspended 5 times. Their self esteem still overcomes.