I did some searching, guys, and I found Equipment digits for some Organization XIII weapons. 0842 - Saix's Claymore 0843 - Xigbar's Gun Arrow 0846 - Axel's Chakrams I think I see why xaddgx said you needed Mulan/Ping's moveset. Once you apply it to a replacement code, it's a distorted Ping you're wielding, not the weapon. I only tried Axel's Chakrams and Saix's Claymore and they were both a distorted ping. Both of them froze once you equipped the actual weapon you replaced. EDIT: I tried Xigbar's Guns and it didn't have a distorted Ping, but it froze anyways. Lol.
Wow, man, thanks. Just to ask, did you make them or do you know how? I would love to learn.
Thanks a lot, and yeah, I wondered because I didn't see an "attackable" UCM for XIII Roxas. Thought that may be a factor. I couldn't find the Pajama Roxas code anywhere, even after looking on each and every google page for both the regular and "PJ" abbreviation. EDIT: After tampering with it, I came up with this (Yes, it works): Play as Pajama Roxas w/ Normal DW Roxas as Valor 21C6C93C 05050000 21C6C940 00000000 11CE0B68 0000005A 01C9572F 00000001 01C95737 0000005F 21C95738 5F43504E 21C9573C 414A4150 21C95740 0053414D 01CE267C 000000AC 11CE0B70 00000323 --- Hopefully to be replaced with Pajama DW Roxas 21C9F674 000A0001 1032EE2C 00000061 1032E020 0000002B 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 201D6388 0000102D 201A1BE0 C60001B8 Don't know how to make Dual Wield Roxas in Pajamas, so I couldn't really add that. But yeah, this.
Everyone referred to it as "The Keyblade" in the beginning.
WHAT? NO MICKEYxYENSID? YOU GUYS SUCK. That would be the best Yaoi ever...ehem, not like I watch that *scratch*...
Yeah, it's Final Mix. I usually only code with Final Mix.
Well xaddgx seems pretty active. I'm not sure if he's a full-fledged coder, but he's been very helpful lately. :) EDIT: I've been playing around with it for a little bit, but I'm at a roadblock (note that I may or may not have no idea what I'm talking about). I gathered a dump with a T-Stanced Pajama Roxas as one of my allies and a T-Stanced Organization XIII Roxas (just because) as the other. 071A - Roxas Organization 088E - Roxas Pajamas Now, if I'm not mistaken, it's possible to rip the model address from these and apply it to Roxas's model, like the Model Modifier codes for Sora's forms on the first page of this thread. However, I have absolutely no idea how to find the model address for PJ Roxas or Organization Roxas, as well as I don't know the normal Roxas model modifier base. I was able to find all three's UCM, but I'm not sure if that's helpful to this code. Any coders out there: If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me explain what I'm trying to do. If it's possible or I'm just being an idiot, please tell me so: Let's assume that this is Roxas's model modifier (It's actually Normal Sora's): 21C954F4 00303031 21C954F8 XXXXXXXX What I'm trying to find is the XXXXXXXX, the actual model address, to modify Roxas. I'm specifically looking for Pajama Roxas's model and Organization Roxas's model's address. THE PROBLEM: I don't know Roxas's model modifier, nor do I have any idea how to find the XXXXXXXX for Pajama Roxas or Organization Roxas. How do I do so? D: Trying to modify Roxas's original, playable model with the two in the back. I have a dump for it, I just don't know what to look for (the Roxas model in front is just to give you an idea):
It should work like a regular model modifier like the ones for Sora's forms, I believe. If I tampered with Emuhaste, I could probably get a dump of Roxas from the game and Pajama Roxas from the cutscene, but I'm at a loss from there. If anything, we might just have to wait for some sexy genius to come and do it for us nobodies. :(
Thank you. But just to clarify: You're talking about the KH2FM code? :D
Thanks so much. :) EDIT: I found the code for regular KH2 in RAW, both regular Roxas and Dual Wield and it works: Roxas in PJ's: 11CFA3FC 0000005A 21CB9930 58455F50 21CB9934 5F303131 21CB9938 5F43504E 21CB993C 414A4150 21CB9940 0053414D Dual Wield Roxas in PJ's: 11CFA3FC 00000323 21CC3830 58455F50 21CC3834 5F303131 21CC3838 5F43504E 21CC383C 414A4150 21CC3840 0053414D
When you come down to it, the only real argument people have against homosexuality is because of their religion, primarily Christianity. I'd first like to know from any Christian in this thread that is against homsexuality/bisexuality: Why is humanity taking orders from a 2000 year old book and an "omnibenevolent" being who, despite his trait, allows thousands of innocent lives every year to die for some of the dumbest reasons you can conger up? Not to mention the multi-million casualties during major wars and diseases. What, your God is a police officer who we all know has the power to end crime, but gives absolutely no shits as a woman is stabbed to death in front of him? News flash: God is self-contradictory as well as a pretty huge *******, leading to the probable and realistic conclusion that he simply isn't there at all. Now onto my argument: People can do whatever. Despite the fact that it's not natural for a person to love their own gender, it happens anyways. I mean, there's skepticism between whether it's choice or a trait because you have psychologists on one end and statistics on the other. I personally think it's choice, but whatever, besides the point. If it's a trait, they can't help it. It's a disorder. It's like a mentally handicapped child; just because he's born different doesn't mean he should be denied of his rights. If it's choice, that's not wrong either. Love has proven to have such wide boundaries that you can't begin to limit it to a man and a woman. You can have a homosexual who is a good person; makes people laugh, helps out his community, just makes people feel good about themselves...yet is gay and people against it quite obviously don't care about what kind of person he is and will say "Nope, Bible denies it, you'll burn in hell for eternity." And homosexuality doesn't harm you or society in any way. Some guy having sex with another guy isn't giving you cancer or anything. And the hetero to homo ratio isn't nearly large enough to deplete the population harmfully (I think it's like 2-4/100% in the US). So it doesn't physically harm anyone...therefore, why is it immoral? Because you're stupid and you should feel stupid.
I also couldn't find Play as Roxas in Pajamas for KH2FM for some reason. I know there's one for regular KH2, though. If it's to any help finding/making it for KH2FM, I have it for KH2 (ARMAX): ZU5W-UZ5T-CZ34Y P087-5EKG-875VM
Is there a "no music" code? I know there's a music modifier posted in the KH1 thread, but not for this one. :\
Ignore this; I fixed it. Thanks.
Never mind; I fixed it.
Yeah, I asked because I saw it in one of those Weapon Mod showcases back in the KH2FM coding era (2007-2008). Couldn't find it once I did a search which was disappointing because I was all ready to mod Dual Wield Roxas. :(
Thanks a lot, man. Well I have a few more code requests (sorry if I'm bugging you guys): 1. Wield Axel's Chakram? 2. Can use all forms w/out party members?
So...any code that starts with 4 won't work? EDIT: Well, it worked. You seem like a guy who knows what he's talking about. Any reason why this Room of Sleep room mod won't load correctly? (staircase doesn't spawn or any other section besides the room itself and the big hole in the floor): D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04
Sorry, but I already applied a save file with a game completed. Thanks, though. If you could, however, could you provide a No Party Members Code (Sora Alone)? This code (which supposedly should work) doesn't and I don't know why: 4032F064 00130001 12121200 00000000 If there's a working code for it, I would appreciate having it. I'm using PCSX2, btw, so that could be the problem. ._.
One of the arguments said "Intelligent design is not creationism." I lol'd.