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  1. Crypt
    It's the "eye for an eye" ideology. You punch someone undeserving, you get punched. You kill someone undeserving, you get killed.

    You can equalize it with other punishments, like community service or prison (for both of those examples). It's just easier to do it "eye for an eye," however, and I won't subject myself to "humans are above those acts of barbarism" because it can justified through the idea that if you kill a bad guy who killed a good guy, you may have saved anyone else from suffering from that person.

    It's just like when the U.S. navy went and took out Osama Bin Laden. He's responsible for murder of people who are undeserving, so we killed him because for that, he WAS deserving.
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  2. Crypt
    Putting a criminal to death doesn't make you just as bad. I don't know how the hell it would.

    Some random Joe on the street decides to kill two kids. Those kids' lives were taken away from them and they'll never get it back. But hey, it's all fine for that Joe because he gets to live and go to prison where other people do the same.

    Once you've taken away an innocent person's fundamental right to live, the boundary is drawn. It doesn't matter how barbaric society would dub it, that person needs to suffer the same pain as that child did so he'll understand as he's slowly dying that it's not a good feeling to know that you're about to die when you don't want to. They'll never truly understand otherwise.

    Think of it like a police officer. Some ******* is beating the **** out of his wife, so the police officer then beats the **** out of him. You're not equivalent to the bad guy in this situation for giving someone a taste of their own medicine. The person understands the pain their victim went through.

    It makes sense on the other end, however, seeing as how life in prison is everyone's personal hell.

    It's a very rough choice, to either kill the murderer or send him to reality's hell, but I guess it can work both ways.
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  3. Crypt
    I couldn't tell for sure, but does Namine have a different voice actor?
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Crypt
    Can someone help me? I'm trying to make a simple "Play as" code, but some characters I'm trying to do (specifically Sephiroth and Cloud) freeze as soon as they load. Are they simply ones that won't work? I mean, I tried removing all of Sora's abilities and all of that. I'm stuck. :(

    These are the codes (without animation mods):

    Play as Cloud (1st District):
    10E0F086 00003131
    10E0F088 00003035
    10E0F0A6 00003131
    10E0F0A8 00003035

    Play as Sephiroth (1st District):
    10E0F086 00003033
    10E0F088 00003030
    10E0F0A6 00003033
    10E0F0A8 00003030
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Crypt
    Does anyone know if you can replace Axel ally's sounds with Axel boss's?
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Crypt
    Seems you took the same basic approach as Majik did with his patch.

    However, do you know how Xeeynamo did his?
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Crypt
    I vow to one day swap the texture of Sora's outfit in KH1 to his outfit in DDD.[DOUBLEPOST=1363721387][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Also, is it possible to play as an NPC? I figure it works the same way as a play as boss code, except an NPC's only animation is to walk and stand, so that's the only thing you could do without turning into a distorted blob...

    But I've been wrong before. Possible? :D
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Crypt
    Just to ask, have you or anyone ever actually hacked the .ISO itself? (disregarding the English patches)
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Crypt
    Do you know why their animations are only relevant to the room you're in? :o
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Crypt
    Can I assume that their standing animation is the first line?
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Crypt
    Is there a way to remove all animations of a boss to where they just stand and not do anything? I want to put together a series of comedy sketches or a fan-fiction with random characters and the only way I can get bosses standing up properly (not t-stanced) is to get the actual gameplay character and remove its animations.

    Is that even possible and how would I go about doing it?
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Crypt
    They better not. I didn't really like the strategy behind Birth by Sleep. Part of the reason KH2 is my favorite game of the series, and my favorite game of all time, was because of how simple and fun the gameplay is. KH1's gameplay was sort of generic and slow, where KH2's gameplay was fast and detailed, such as the cool combos. It wasn't anything like Re:Chain of Memories and BBS where it's all complex and strategic, it was simplistic.

    If they exchange it, I'm sure as hell not buying it. I'll stick with my regular KH2FM.

    In fact, if they make KH3 like BBS and DDD with the characters all close up and the unnecessary features and strategy, I'll be even more pissed. I've waited 8 years for KH3 hoping it to be better than KH2, but if it ends up like BBS and DDD (both of which I was very disappointed with the gameplay), I'll probably cry. :(
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Crypt
    What I was hoping was possible is to make a Knight Sora with Bond of Flame and Axel's Chakram, like the one with Vexen's shield. I don't know how. I'm sure you'd need to replace Master Sora's moveset with Mulan's, but the second weapon is where I'm at a loss. I tried it just a little while ago, but I could only get the Chakram to replace the main weapon and not the left weapon.

    I also learned that it works with Auron's moveset too.

    One question, though (disregarding all of this):

    Are jokers supposed to work with Emuhaste? They've never worked for me, so I don't know if it has something to do with my PS2 controller configuration or if it's due to the fact that emuhaste doesn't give a **** about jokers...
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Crypt
    Thanks a lot. I was dumbfounded and had no common sense. :P

    Regarding back to the Axel's Chakram, Saix's Claymore, and Xigbar's Gun Arrow thing I brought up, I figured it out.

    So the Mulan's moveset thing is a necessity. I read on an old KH2 NTSC/UC code thread that you need Mulan's moveset to wield objects with no joints or "bones."

    It's simple from there. You replace Sora's moveset with Mulan's and you then replace "Sword of Ancestors" with the weapons.

    It was a lot of trouble finding the correct replacement address for Sword of Ancestors, so I eventually had to locate it myself with a dump (the UCM for it was the most troubling part seeing as how the German ******* who made the complete UCM list labeled it with its German name, "Ahnenschwert." I eventually found it on a KH2 UCM digit list and used it to locate the correct address."


    (Apply first)
    Mulan's Moveset (Sora):
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0019
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400

    (Apply first)
    Mulan's Moveset (Roxas):
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 2401000E
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0019
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400

    (Apply after)
    Wield Axel's Chakram:
    11CD4AC8 00000846

    (Apply after)
    Wield Saix's Claymore:
    11CD4AC8 00000842

    (Apply after)
    Wield Xigbar's Gun Arrow:
    11CD4AC8 00000843

    They don't have hitboxes. :(
    Post by: Crypt, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Crypt

    Fairly easy codes. For some reason, however, there were no videos for Final Mix and the codes themselves were impossible to find for Final Mix.

    Play as Red KH1 Sora:
    11CE0B68 000006C1
    21CAEC34 5f303231
    21CAEC38 5f43504E
    21CAEC3C 00444552

    Play as Blue KH1 Sora:
    11CE0B68 000006C1
    21CAEC34 5f303231
    21CAEC38 5f43504E
    21CAEC3C 45554c42

    Play as Green KH1 Sora:
    11CE0B68 000006C1
    21CAEC34 5f303231
    21CAEC38 5f43504E
    21CAEC3C 45455247
    01CAEC40 0000004E
    Thread by: Crypt, Mar 3, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  16. Crypt
    What is A.I. stand for?
    Post by: Crypt, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Crypt
    That was a terrible 3D Model of the Kingdom Key...too thin and they botched the end with that too wide, too spaced end.

    Post by: Crypt, Feb 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Crypt
    It's Sora and Kairi.

    If you've people have ever watched anything Japanese, you'd know that a relationship between two guys is feminine and passionate, but not gay. Riku and Sora are just friends, man. They've lived on an island since the beginning and they dreamed of traveling together, only to be separated and learn that being in other worlds isn't all it's cracked up to be.

    Namine is Kairi. Either way, he's getting some Kairi ass.

    Roxas is Sora. He can have sex with Roxas because it's masturbation.

    Post by: Crypt, Feb 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Crypt
    It didn't work, sorry. But thanks.

    If you could, though, could you provide the replacement code for Mulan/Ping's weapon? I think I'm onto something with Axel's Chakrams.

    And also, I've been having trouble with a Normal Sora Model Modifier. I change Sora's model to Final Form's clothing and it works all fine and dandy until I encounter an enemy. It freezes as soon as the enemy spawns.

    Normal Sora w/ Final Form Clothing:
    21C954F4 5F303031
    21C954F8 46544C55

    It seemed to work fine in xaddgx's video. xD


    I made this for all of you sexy people:

    Play as Pajama Roxas w/Dual Wield Pajama Roxas as Valor:
    21C6C93C 05050000
    21C6C940 00000000
    11CE0B68 0000005A
    01C9572F 00000001
    01C95737 0000005F
    21C95738 5F43504E
    21C9573C 414A4150
    21C95740 0053414D
    01CE267C 000000AC
    11CE0B70 00000323
    01C9F62F 00000001
    01C9F674 00000001
    21C9F638 5F43504E
    21C9F63C 414A4150
    21C9F640 0053414D
    21CE267C 003F00AC
    21C9F674 000A0001
    1032EE2C 00000061
    1032E020 0000002B
    201C9A80 0000102D
    201C99A0 0000102D
    201D6388 0000102D
    201A1BE0 C60001B8

    That's for helping me. :)
    Post by: Crypt, Feb 18, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Crypt
    They have some hitboxes, like explosion.

    EDIT: I've been trying to replace Mickey's weapon with Way to the Dawn, but that ends up a distorted character as well (that green ghost with the lantern).

    Codes used:

    Play as Hooded Mickey:
    11CE0B68 0000005B

    Replace Mickey's weapon with Way to the Dawn:
    1032E35C 00000317

    I also tried replacing it with the struggle bat, but that ****ed up as well.

    What is it with all of these weapon codes messing up? It's a simple task and the game freaks out...
    Post by: Crypt, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Code Vault