Ovaries were harmed in the making of this film.
Guess what they didn't do? Replace the Japanese voices of the Castle Oblivion members with their English Re:CoM ones like we'd hoped. It's not like they speak Japanese at all...but still...
Indeed I do.
As a little tip, I think I can do a mean Xemnas voice.
Yeah, the final product probably won't be that crisp. Let me remind you of the 1.5 screenshots and how they crapped over our expectations...
Well I think that's even worse. I just don't care about 100 Acre Woods enough to want that as my theme. xD
What did the 1.5 theme look like? Because honestly, this looks really dull. Half of it is just the boxart.
I've thought about this a few times because the more I play the games and progress, the more I feel engaged in the overall story and less I care about all of the Disney subplots. This especially with Chain of Memories where by the time I got to Atlantica, I was sick and tired beyond imagine of having to deal with such boring subplots about things we already did in the first game. My favorite worlds have always been Kingdom Hearts-created ones and bosses the same. I would most likely love this game even if Disney wasn't there. Maybe even more so. I'm sure the game's success may have been different without Disney and that Disney was the reason I purchased the game, but I really only care about the overall plot nowadays. What about you guys?
The heart-shaped moon...is it a world we can unlock in KH3? It's an unseen land, so I'm assuming.
Alright. Lose to Gary or whatever and fly to Vermillion, then sail to One Island. Go up the island a bit until you hit the cave on the right side. That's the hot springs or whatever the heck it's called. Outside you should see some fighters. Use the Vs. Seeker and fight all of the fighters that want to battle. Once you're done with all of the ones who want to fight, go in the hot springs, heal, and come back out and do it again. You can get great levels with this. For added speed, go to the Safari Zone and wild Chansey have a 5% chance of containing a Lucky Egg, which accelerates experience gain.
You know what the Limited Edition should include? A written apology from Nomura for not releasing Final Mixes worldwide in the first place. On a serious note, though, I would love to see them crack open the project files of Kingdom Hearts. Show us the tools. The files. The programs. I don't know what those little devils do behind their computers. Also, they only reorchestrated certain tracks? I thought they were only releasing certain tracks. Those bastards didn't remake any of the cool tracks. Waltz of the Damned and Deep Anxiety were the only ones I cared about even slightly and those are nowhere near my favorites from KH2. We need a sexy The 13th Struggle. Burn, baby. :( And we don't even get a full soundtrack for 1.5. F***'ing Nomura, man. Finish your damn Versus 13 and get onto Kingdom Hearts already. You're breaking my balls.
Here's a TL;DR of this interview: "We redid the textures and the soundtrack uses live instruments". "That's cool".
This kind of animation style is the one I'm referring to: It's really well-done animation, in my opinion. It honestly reminds me of the animation for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, but I'm not 100% that it's the same people who do them. And I'm sure it's changed over the years and it's switched from studio to studio. But still, who makes them? I'd love to see other work they've done.
...what? It's not a full CD, it's just select favorites...? So no Rage Awakened? The Encounter? Organization XIII? Sinister Shadows? Cavern of Remembrance? One-Winged Angel? Darkness of the Unknown? Vim and Vigor? The 13th Dilemma? The 13th Reflection? F***ING 13TH STRUGGLE?! Why does Square hate us? *sniff* Burn, baby. :<
I meant about the idea that it would only sell in Japan.
Is there evidence to support that?
"Japan-exclusive" Oh great. We're still doing this. F*** off, Square...
I'm almost kind of glad they didn't. Not they I don't want a Kingdom Hearts anime, but it would be better to make it after KH3 simply because the storyline of Kingdom Hearts, while understood, has many plot holes and bull****s in the story that's it's better to piece things together a little better when storyboarding it for an animated series.
*sigh* 1. Fair enough. I understand that much. It's been a cool way for me to be introduced into hexidecimal, I can say for myself. 2. Okay? Your point? 3. "who think they are instantly better than most because they can beg for a code to be released" This makes no sense to me. People are that dumb to think they're great because they "beg for a code"? If you're just taking a stab at me, when did I ever say I was great? Anyways, so if I use the most basic line of code in the game such as 11CE0B68, I'm not a real hacker...that's what you're getting at? If so, I agree. I have no idea how someone figured out that it's the replacement for Sora. I most likely never will. Just because I use it doesn't make me a hacker. I didn't "hack" it. Same goes for anyone. My confusion is why anyone would be offended by it if someone says they are? They're just misinterpreting the word and are thinking too highly of themselves. It doesn't really matter at all. No need to be heartbroken. Just keep doing what you're doing. 4. Well, I never said he should. In fact I said the opposite about twice now. I criticized his reasoning and went off on a bit of a tangent. I didn't attack him for not giving it out...or, I did call him a bum. It doesn't mean I think he has to. Bum on, I guess. 5. I don't think discrediting is the issue. The only thing I see happening is not crediting. Because if you just copy and paste a code and call it your own, you're just an idiot and we should laugh at you. I've never seen it happen, though I imagine every so often some doltish kid does it and no one cares. If someone just uses your code or perhaps builds upon your code without immediately thinking to "give credit", it doesn't mean anything. No one's trying to steal your material or thinks that they're better than you. Again, we're just building upon a better KH experience. No one should take it personally. I mean, I'm thankful to everyone who has come this far, but I'm not gonna take my time to figure out who did what within the codes I use. 6. Okay.
I don't really know what you're getting at. I have no disrespect. I like what they're doing and admire that it's a challenge, but it's not like I'm going to sit here and kiss the floor these guys walk on if that's what you want. Just because something takes a lot of work doesn't mean the outcome means all that much. Like it takes a hell of a lot of work to carve out an entire mountain, but why should the majority of people care? This does means something to me, but it will never mean enough to me to where I have to give credit to people every time I use it. Doesn't ever mean I'm not thankful. I don't thank the people who invented bottled water, but boy does that save my life. I appreciate them, but...it's just I think that as a creator of anything, it shouldn't be your objective to hover over your creation and get angry when someone doesn't give credit. It's different when they benefit from it by calling it their own, which Majik is claiming, but it's not like they get money out of it. It's not like anyone believes the anonymous 12 year old who claims he made a code where you could use Roxas's Keyblades. Even if it's at a sophisticated scale, anyone can do research. The only thing the person gains from this is a little popularity and clearly when he can't deliver demands, he's instantly discredited. We're just here to enhance the KH experience and when no one shares the awesome codes because they're scared of not getting credited, we can't do that. Once again, Majik can do what he wants. It's not like we're hurt. But...the reasoning is what caught me. That's all.