hey who lost twenty dollars?
has this coch ever been cleaned? i just found a twenty dollar bill.
muskrats everyone run. werewolf said as he jumped behind the couch
i cant survive one day like that.
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww a weeeeeeeeeek.
aaaahhhhhh two muskrats.
hello darksmile13.
that is the coolest thing ever.
that is right jhade rhade.
thanks sora lexa its awsome.
i wont let it die either i just want to know what it stands for and omg there is two muskrats!
yah i never thought of that what does it stand for?
i dont care im a kadaij and i always will be!
i am through thick and thin.
no i dont want it to.
yeah this does suck. i still dont know why with all the quitings.
what do you think of my sig?
why is jhade rhade leaving?
what you think?
whoes leaving andawsome its not closed anymore, how did the kadaij family start up again?