sorry but your son is disturbing. you have now entered the twighlight zone dododododododododododododododododododododo
ok im prety sure it is that is just disturbing.
ok well bars there fun but dont get into a bar fight you might die by a broken glass bottle shuved down your throaght.
ok this is strange uh. punches at the air in fury. ok this all is confusing what the heck is going on??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
the hedge rat shadow the one that was screaming at you to get out here
uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yah. breaks down a random door.i guess i found my room.
hey whats my room #? if i dont have one can mine be 1408? you have now entered the twilight zone. dodododododododododododododododododo do
ok with all that is happening im drawling a blank. ____.see a red blank it is awsome!!!!!
why do u want to kill sora?
hahahahahahahahahaha you cant answer any of those questions you dont have the game oh and the best charecter is wolf not lucario!!!!!!
Name: Wolf Age: 16 Game: Super Smash Bros Brawl Personality: tough
hi!what did i miss when i was gone?
charecter: shadow weapon: chaos emerald special: chaos controll vehicle: skate boots attack: speed spin attack: jump and slam attack: chaos destroyer attack: jumps on a gear(sonic riders board) and smashes you reward: 1,000,000exp, 7 chaos emarlds, speed skates appearance: sonic riders, sonic battle 2 hp: 10,000 difficulty: omg that is hard don't mess with him can i join?
Ok And When I Was On Last I Have Not A Clue?
hi low what happened when i was gone besides the 3rd kadaj family?
hi peoples sorry i was gone iwhat did i miss?
hey peoples sorry i havent been on in a while i havent beenon the computer much so busy couldnt breath what did i miss oh and i got a message about a flame war who was elected?
Name:el eran serlobo (werewolf in spanish) Side: eltigres Weapon: claws,and slash of the beast Powers: super speed, x-ray vison, and super strength hello can i join?
i know i wish time would go faster.