You Americans. A good present to the world on that date would have to be a MAJOR improvement in health care. If it doesn't happen within the next 13 hours, I will bring the Canadian hospitals over there and Dr. House won't exist. Period.
Let's all dig into our bowls of Maple Syrup!
*Crawls up* Because I got stabbed with a knife that was...surprisingly...*ugh*...made of fire.
*Awakens* Bro, you just made my leg wound even worse. Or did you drag me by the arm, because that is one PAINFUL leg wound.
Wait, Have you guys noticed that Wolfie isn't in sight? *Listens* *Sniffs air* Oh shit right behi--*Stabbed*
Most of these aren't spoilers. I saw "Last Airbender Revealed" and, I thought it would be good. Now that I see these comments. Damn Live Action movies ruining a GOOD series. *Shoots self* EDIT: And what's with the gay names?! Soh-kka Ong Katara(At least they pronounced THAT right) Toh-ff Ee-Roh What next? Har-Ew? Jeet?(Jet) They might even change the whole plot overnight just to fit in the time period of two hours, knowing M. Night Sham-Lyon effs up every movie. (Although I found Signs kinda...interesting.)
This is an interesting story. Very mind-jogging. Good job, as always.
Look up "rendering tutorial with sony vegas" on YouTube. There are some really simple tutorials, and it's really easy to do. It was good, you did great on the timing, especially for a beginner. Just a few more effects and transitions.
Thank you very much, sir. I'm philosophical that way.
2nd Day and you've already created a wolf? Wow...that's.... awesome.
It really depends on genres. Most electro/house remixes sound good, as well as hip-hop remixes. I've listened to a few rock remixes, and I'd say that I would stick with the original rock songs.
Wait. You CUT children? And I thought George Bush's parents abused him...
At least we still have tacos.
First your are talking about this interesting adverb called laungue. Then you scream the word warthog in between 2-78 swear words. Then you recommend we take cover from snipers that gave away their position, and we could easily use the Rocket Launcher guy to destroy them. Then you make your post MORE epic phail with "GRENADE ***ING ROCKET ASTERISK ! WTF! GET IN THE F**KING REP BOX AND REP ME DAMMIT! ... ....What has this world come to?...
I'll agree with all the comments above me. You were presenting this from a specific, logic-based point of view, and comes across as more of a hypothesis. You are expressing this from your own point of view, not really from all angles that others can relate to. I recommend using a bit more references if you wish to continue working on this in the future.
Donatello Michelangelo Leonardo Raphael
Eat it then.
It's Blame it on the ALCOHOL! *Drinks 4 bottles of beer*