127 Ello~
This goes far beyond the realm of frightening... I want it.
Showdown with Magus - Chrono Trigger OST
"Gee, I'm a tree"... some jokes only work if you can say them aloud :huh:
Sons of Plunder - Disturbed
Dear god, math always brings out the worst jokes. My teacher would always pull the "What did the acorn say when he grew up? 'GEOMETRY.' Geddit? Geddit?" And we'd all just sit and stare in silence...
Wouldn't the Cerberus Cup not actually work for this because you need three party members? I've heard rumor that you're more likely to get it in TWTNW. I don't know if it's true but I was trying to get the form for several hours without success, and when I went to TWTNW I got it first time. I also selected Wisdom form at the time so getting Final isn't restricted to Master form, though it may up the odds. Pretty much, keep five bars charged and pray for the best. Did anyone else use the amazingly cheap method of going to a save point when your drive form was almost out of time and then leaving the world, fulling restoring the gauge?
HANDS DOWN. That song never fails to make me spazz. Marisa Stole the Precious Thing - IOSYS Overdrive - IOSYS Most everything by IOSYS, actually xD You'll Be A Dentist - Little Shop of Horrors Most everything by The Lonely Island, too. I'm On A Boat... And for the serious side of epic, I'll have to nominate the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. All three of them. All of the songs. Howard Shore is my GOD.
Laxile, Ixella, Allixe, Axelli... Or even Saxillon, Noxasill, Xilasol. The ones for my full name sound like drugs :D Especially that last one.
Axel, though I could come up with reasons for choosing any of them. He's one of the only characters that doesn't have blue eyes (Honestly Disney, what gives?), he has Sonic hair and an anorexic hourglass figure. He kidnaps children. He gets molested by Larxene. He's a sneaky little double-agent who you can never tell whose side he's actually on. PYROKENISIS. He's the Orginization member I pitied the most. He's based off of Reno, already my favorite Final Fantasy character. Plus Quinton Flynn is like, my favorite English voice actor ever xD And he killed Vexen. He killed the man with the creepy lecherous old man laugh. But Marluxia will always hold a special place in my heart for having flower power and pink hair.
Not being able to just take five extra minutes to kill all the Dusks, oh no, there were just SO many, never mind that you had to fight 1,000 Heartless at once, so instead Axel gets to asplode himself just so Sora can get to his precious little Riku and Kairi faster. [/rant] It would've been such a great opportunity to level up for Sephiroth, too. And Atlantica was disappointing, not only because you couldn't go anywhere, but... the songs... *shudder*