Leigh... Amazingly I like my middle name.
I'm glad to hear that! The trailers really were disappointing, but the plot that I could discern from them got me intrigued. It got a stunning review in the newspaper too, so I'm probably going to go see it in the next few days. It's been a while since I've seen an R-rated that wasn't just mindless trash.
I have, and Star Wars will never be the same. o.o Speaking of which, anyone seen "Star War - The Third Gathers - Backstroke of the West"?
I'd like to see a Chrono Trigger movie, actually... :unsure: FFXII would be cool too though - live Vieras and all. I think most Square games have the potential to spawn excellent as well as successful movies, because their characters and worlds have a lot of depth and the games have a huge fanbase. Anything they come out with I would go see.
Lucky!!! I've only seen the movie, and I really liked it. My brother saw it live the last time he was in NY, and laughed at my outraged scream of jealousy. Hopefully I'll get the chance to - if they come anywhere near Indiana I'm so getting tickets.
xD Nice Baby come back, any kind of fool could see There was something in everything about you Baby come back, you can blame it all on me I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
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I'm starting over one more time, I don't like what I've become.
Well it's 1969 okay All across the USA It's another year For me and you Another year With nothing to do
@Light: *fangirl glomp* Thank youuuuuuu! Eh, who knows, maybe it'll be so terrible it'll pass beyond the realm of bad and be playable just for the lulz. Maybe?
^This In today's society I really don't think it matters who pays, because men and women are basically on an equal standing. It is traditional for the man to pay, but he doesn't have to, and it's not impolite or outlandish for the girl to pay her own way or all the way. If you're worried, just discuss who should pay with the other person.
112 You're welcome :lolface:
I view the glass as twice as big as it needs to be. I'm not quite sure what category that puts me in. I'd probably have to say Realist though, I try to look at things objectively and not assume anthing especially good or bad will happen.
106 Next page a staff will post. I just have a feeling.
Well, I'm a cat person myself. I think my personlity's fairly similar to felines'. Both have their pros and cons as pets though... dogs require more attention, you have to walk them and bathe them, but in return they're loyal, friendly, and guard your house. Dogs are also easier to interact with than cats; you'll be hard-pressed to get a cat to play fetch with you. Cats are lower maintenance and do show love in their own way, but are usually a lot more aloof. I've known my share of lap-kitties too, though.
It's a biiiiit graphic, but if all priests were like that I'd be religious. And this entire film gets my vote.
Nine Inch Nails are amaziiiing. Still Alive - Portal (I don't know who actually sings this...)
Bloody Busty Bertha ...I like :=D:
I realize that Christians advertise their beliefs all the time, nor do I agree with them doing it either. People should find their beliefs by soul-searching, not from a billboard. There are many good people in the world that don't believe in God, there are many great people who are or were Atheists. I am merely using this as an example of the only time Atheists get any kind of recognition, is when they are shouting out their beliefs.