I'm tempted to say Oogie Boogie just cause of the name. But unfortunately he lived up to the lack of badassness that it implies, so I'll have to go with Hades :D
RICHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD Maybe then they'd actually release Metal Wolf Chaos to the US :.-.: Other than that, I'm liking Solid Snake or Mario.
Was it Mark Twain that said "It's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that scare me, it's the parts that I do."? And then it was Thomas Jefferson that said that "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man." Yes, it was written a long time ago; yes, some of this was probably not meant to be taken literally (some was, though), and may not have seemed so terrible in the time this was written; yes, there are messages like "Love thy neighbor" and the 4-10 of the Ten Commandments, which though common sense are good lessons. However, that doesn't change the fact that the Bible also has its share of grotesque content as well as attempts to justify atrocities done in God's name. (I'll use the Crusades as an example here.) Christianity is one of the most popular religions worldwide and is hailed by followers as being the best, teaching such amazing morals, yadda yadda yadda, when in reality I think it's one of the ugliest system of beliefs in existence. I agree that when so much of a book has to be explained away with "don't take it literally", it shouldn't develop such a massive following. I also agree with JedininjaZC that religion wasn't meant to make sense. It's understandable why some people want to believe in a higher power, but I don't understand those that take holy books like the Bible and treat each word like fact. It's just... Eh, I don't know. I feel like I'm going in circles.
They're taking the basic, awesome concept and turning it into a cutesy feature-length adventure story. Ehm... I'll wait and read reviews, but I probably won't watch it. It wouldn't be my kind of thing.
Well, we'll all have to wait and see how FFXIII is, though it'll probably be worth it just for the in-game movies alone... *graphicsdrool* I would say XII, even if it's sort of an odd one out in terms of plot and battle system. I found the new way reeeaally fun, though, gambits ftw. It's a really intriguing storyline and there are tons of (optional, of course) sidequests and extra missions that can keep you at the game for over a hundred hours. Really though, any Final Fantasy you pick, you'll probably love.
Because Timeless River was amazin'! Who doesn't like reminiscing about the days of poor graphics and black and white television? ...I don't. But it was a fun world, you got to squish houses. I liked Pooh's Storyb*shot* -I mean, Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden and TWTNW, like most people are saying. Twilight Town was fun to go back to, but there wasn't all that much to do. Radiant Garden was humongo and was a great place to level up drive forms, plus it had Sephiroth as well as the entrance to a whole different Megaman world. TWTNW was great for leveling Final and of course, the boss fights. The theme was pretty intense, too. <3
Roxas's theme is my favorite song in the entire game. It's so uplifting yet melancholy at the same time, like a beginning and a farewell... Riku's theme is a close second though, strings accompanying a piano piece has rarely failed to sound beautiful. But I digress. (Go, find Kairi.) Out of generic world themes, I liked Halloween Town the best And Vs Axel and One Winged Angel are tied for favorite battle themes
The moment that Roxas proves he is, in fact, Sora's Nobody. "You won't disappear! You'll become whole!" "I'll... disappear?" And.. um..... Xemnas's suit at the end was probably one of my favorite things in the whole game. It looked like a cow costume. Moo.
Me in all my pseudo-gothy fashion goodness D: Spoiler
never gonna run around and desert- wait, what brought that on?
Sometimes, the greatest things are those hated by the most people. They're so bad they're good. :lolface:
decided to go to Steak n' Shake instead, because their milkshakes were half price after 5:00, and he
right outside of a nuclear testing facility
Superstitions may have no basis, but they're so prevalent it's hard not to observe them. And some things... are just fun to go along with. You can throw salt at people. And it does seem that Friday the 13ths are rarely normal days, though it may only be because I'm actively looking for weirdness. But I don't really believe in superstitions. I have a black cat and I think my luck's fine, I step on cracks all the time, I stand under ladders just to laugh.
A tie between Planet Terror, Zombie Strippers, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes... Really, everything that looks like a Sci-Fi original is on my list of "strangest **** ever".
half-melted muffins that were oozing out a strange
:O You're only in "beginning drawing"? You've got a lot of potential! And this should have gotten a solid A. The hand could use some work, yes, but I love the eyes - they look so shiny! - and how you drew each individual bead in the necklace.
chopped his nose off
I'm taking two courses at the high school so my schedule's really messed up :\ I'm stuck in last period Health which is where they stick all the delinquents. It's quite scary. 1.Band 2.Art (Sem1)/Photography (Sem2) 3.Biology I/Algebra II (Alternate days) Lunch 5.Social Studies 6.English 7.Health
Drinking water does have a slight taste, ranging from nasty-ass tap water to spring water, and it starts tasting closer and closer to nothing the better quality the water is (is that a rip-off or what?). In its purest form I guess it should indeed taste like nothing, but then again it's not like what they sell is pure H2O. I have to add that flavored water is delish.