I recently suggested we add a kazoo section to our school band. They are amazing instruments. I haz kazoos, can I join too? :3
How so? The opposite of What? would be ؟tahW, anyway.
13, and I do but my brother is in college so I'm practically an only child. I understand how it would be frustrating to have separated parents, but this seemingly pre-divorce state is driving me crazy. And @BloodxXxDark... That sucks D: We can be *****y parents buddies together.
They've been to marital counseling for two years now. It hasn't helped. It's actually made it worse, if anything. And she keeps trying to drag me into everything, managing to twist everything I say into an agreement with her. Today seems to be a special day, though, because I came home from school and they were arguing... and they're still going at it. Why do parents think that it's better to stay together and let their kids hear them screaming at each other night after night rather than divorcing when they obviously don't love each other any more?
Obama hasn't done all that much for this country, at least not compared to all the hype he received. But I think what we really needed - even if he doesn't turn out to be a good president - is a change. A break in routine. Personally, McCain would have been a repeat of the last eight years, and seeing how that didn't work too well I would rather he not be president. Plus Sarah Palin was a teerrrible choice for VP :B|:
I would laugh so hard if this person, What?, and Rissy just get to 999 and then never leave the spam zone. Because who needs rainbows?
Fake Shark - Real Zombie! (Nah. They don't quite live up to their name.) Nine Inch Nails, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Jane's Addiction, Three Days Grace, Killswitch Engage, Red, Blink 182, Senses Fail, a lot of random Japanese bands.
Fargo. It fascinated me :lolface:
I've started reading the manga because I hoped the ending would be less... well, it's already been said. But everything but the ending was amazing. The manga of course delves deeper into the story but it was beautifully animated nonetheless :3
I've got super long fingers, so of course I had to take piano - five years now... my first teacher was crap though :B(: Right now I'm working on Beethoven's 'Pathetique' Sonata. It's so purdy <3
Vampire Knight, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Death Note, FMA, Claymore, Monster, Prince of Tennis, Elfen Lied, Soul Eater, FLCL... It's impossible to choose just one! :sweatdrop: Vampire Knight's my newest venture, though, so I'll give it some recognition.
Did you stay for the... ehm... "song" at the end of the credits? xD Just watched Amadeus last night. Excellent movie. I want his laugh as my ringtone.
How would you suggest we hug you over the internet?
And then the 9:09, 9/9/09, 9 pounds 9 ounces girl... I mean, you figure that in the entire world there's going to be someone born then, but still..... freaky coincidence.
Big brother is watching khv :/gasp:
And I toasted you,
Chocolate milk happens to be the nastiest crap ever known to man once it's a few days past its expiration date. Just throwin' that out there.
Of course it'll be alive by then. 33606
I had known about the game for a while, but thought the concept sounded pretty lame. :sweatdrop: Then I saw KHII for $5 at a garage sale and was like Heeeeeeey... So I actually bothered looking up reviews for it, it sounded pretty good, and I bought it. And was instantly addicted.
Thanks, you guys :) For now I guess that's all I can do. I'll try hard.