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  1. Golf Slayer
    Where....where am I?
    Jack opened his eyes, looking around. He was lieing on the pavement, in the centre of the street. Cars kept passing him, just barely. No one was looking after him for his safety.
    Getting up, Jack examined his surroundings. what? I'm in some sort of intersection... why is no one looking after me?
    A cellphone vibrated in his pocket.
    A cellphone...but...I don't have one...
    A text message displayed across the screen.

    Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure.
    - The Reapers

    Maybe I'm a witness to some sort of gang murder...

    Look at that hot chick!
    I need money...where though...
    Yes! A drug store! I can buy my cigarettes!

    Thoughts?! Not mine... I'm so confused!
    In frustration, Jack threw the cellphone away.
    Something rumbled beside him.
    No way...the phone!
    His hand burned with pain.
    Looking at it, he saw a timer.

    "What the hell?!"
    No one was acknowledging his existence.
    I'm invisible...this is the afterlife!? I died?! Think, Jack!
    He tried, but no memory came to his head.
    His next thought patterns were a blur to him.
    "What is 104?"
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Golf Slayer
    "Hm." X grunted, walking past Phenox. "Alright, what...?" X hissed. "What are our next options..."
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Golf Slayer
    "And...exactly...what happened?" X asked, his sick voice echoing. "You took him head on...he beat escaped?"
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Golf Slayer
    X, still wondering what is care, turned back to Phenox. "You know yourself his reputation of the master of thirteen dangerous nobodies...why fight him head on?" X asked. "With all...due...respect...sire." X hissed, the thought of making one child dissapear without anyone else noticing clicked into his train of thought, as he verified if it would work.
    Wait until one of them is at the back with the rest of the children, judging the show off. Cover screams with hand. Unleash blade into neck to neutralize breath. Make a portal of darkness to let all of the blood and body fall beautifully into the ocean. Chance of living: none. Weeks until body is found: four.
    I truly am fit for my job...
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Golf Slayer
    Username: Golf Slayer
    Name: Jack
    Age: 18
    Personality: Mocking, laid back, easy going, hard thinker, average temper.
    Cause of death: Shot in a high school fight.
    History before death: A high school student. Phychotic. Takes drugs to calm down his tortured mind from the bullying.
    What you gave up: memory
    Pins: Pyrokinesis, Masamune, Earthshake, Thunderbolt
    Appearance: Brown messy greasy hair, white shirt, grey necklace in the shape of a skull, baggy jeans, muddy sneakers.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Golf Slayer
    X didn't say anything.
    Care...what is care?
    "How goes the operation anti organization?" X asked, his head tilting back.
    Turning, he looked around the area. A few children were playing on what seemed like wooden boards on wheels.
    He then started thinking how he could get rid of a child without anyone else seeing.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Golf Slayer
    X tilted his head, eyeing his team mate. "Nothing." X replied, his voice coming out like a snakes. Slow, and poisonous. "And yourself?"
    Why is he here anyway... not like I have the right to ask that, since I'm here for a strange reason anyway... I'm just...chilling.... like those kids I killed earlier would say... hmm...
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Golf Slayer
    X lowered his eyes as Phenox appeared below him.
    Eh... another one with dark powers... Ally or enemy?
    At this height, it wouldn't be good for an assasination....providing he was completely stealthy and soundless. Therefore, he'd take the most unwanted approach.
    X teleported in front of Phenox.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Golf Slayer
    X tilted his head back to a normal position, examining the town more better.
    What would be a good place to kill?
    Examining the train station, he thought of a way to get rid of an enemy.
    Teleport to the train station.
    Distract with a flier, jab chin. Whirl, slam kick into stomach to prevent screaming by taking away air. Elbow face to disorient. Punch them in the temple to make them dizzy.
    Insert poison. Push onto railway as a train comes by.

    I guess I haven't become rusty...
    Operation revoloution would have to come first. He can't have any thrill of hunting yet.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Golf Slayer
    X sat, a cloaked assasin perched like an eagle with a combination of a monkey at the top of Twilight Town's clock tower. His arms swayed in the breeze, as his cape blew over his shoulder from the light winds. This cloaked figure continued to watch the residents of Twilight Town, imagining their dull yet happy lives.
    Leaning his head to the side, he imagined the entire city in flames.
    Much better...
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Golf Slayer
    OC Form

    Username: Golf Slayer

    Name: X

    Age: 29

    Gender: male

    Element: Mana

    Power: dark energy

    Rank: (If in Anti-Organization: General, Foot Soldier or Assassin) assasin

    Weapon: hidden double twin hand blades

    Appearance: Wears an organization cloak, but its customized, has a black half cape over the right shoulder which droops down to his knees, wears a rope around his waist.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Golf Slayer
    Hey people. I'm just wondering...what is this all about?
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Golf Slayer
    Well....Hey everyone.
    Anything else I should say...
    Well, I'm new here as you can see...
    and I'm mostly a roleplaying type person.
    See ya round.
    Thread by: Golf Slayer, Jan 16, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures