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  1. Golf Slayer
    Maybe I was some phychopathic villain in my past life?
    Jack snarled, liking the thought.
    Even though his memory was gone, his life won't change a bit.
    "More like machine gun." Jack responded to Daisuke's sword comment.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Feb 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Golf Slayer
    Jack pulled his phone out.
    That was the test?

    Jack appeared somewhere dark.
    Confused, he fell over, unable to get his bearings of the new surroundings.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Feb 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Golf Slayer
    "Indeed..." X responded, tilting his head the other way.
    Either its a numbered assault, or a tactical one... I hope Phenox doesn't... have his emotions... cloud his sense of judgement...
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Feb 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Golf Slayer
    Jack examined all the colourful marbles that were called pins.
    Lets try them out...
    Taking out pyrokinesis, a line of fire burned up some of the deadly creatures called noise.
    Laughing out loud from the thrill of the hunt, Jack sneered evilly.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Feb 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Golf Slayer
    ooc: I'm simply waiting for Erix or Phenox to do something... I don't exactly know what I should do.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Feb 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Golf Slayer
    ooc: Thanks to you people, I'm gonna have to respond to all of this...

    Jack glared at Daisuke.
    Please... a professional? In

    After meeting you, I want to be erased, Jack thought bitterly, examining the monsters.

    "Apologizing wouldn't be such a good idea would it?" Jack responded sarcasticaly.

    "What's this dudes deal? Bluff?" Jack whispered.

    Erasure? Aren't the reapers only supposed to know how to do do you erase someone?

    I still don't think i can trust him...he probably set this up....
    What are these thoughts in my head?! I have no memory yet I'm so cautious...newborn spirits shouldn't be like that....

    Then...I gave up my memory...
    Laughing outloud, Jack sneered.
    Brilliant observation, Jack.

    He has a point....

    What a cheesy attack...they could at least use the pins in a more creepier way...
    These reapers are getting on my nerves...although...I could use their distrust of each other to my advantage..

    "Right behind you." Jack sneered, grabbing the marbles in his pocket.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Feb 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Golf Slayer
    "Who the **** are you?" Jack asked, spitting at the persons feet. thats one of the people who got us here in the first place.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Golf Slayer
    "Here, I guess." Jack lied, but it was more like a half lie.
    If he appeared here, and he had no memory, he guessed he is from here...
    "Building what..."
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Golf Slayer
    X teleported to Villains Vale also. Tilting his head back.
    This plan isn't going so it?
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Golf Slayer
    Jack followed, walking behind daisuke. Examining the other people, he heard their minds scrambling around his head.

    Damnit, I'll be late for work!
    Cigarettes! Yes!

    Something was wrong with himself too. He had absoloutely no memory of how he got here, and no memory before hand.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Golf Slayer
    ooc: Phenox is probably located at Vale, X and Erix is in the Twilight Woods, and for the rest of the people, I don't know.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Golf Slayer
    Very amusing demon... Or maybe this guy's not lieing...
    "Well then we're wasting time." Jack stated, scratching his dirty hair. "The point is to get out...right...."
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Golf Slayer
    "Yeah..." Jack stated, calming down. He stood up without using hands. Though I'll still think you're a demon disguised, Jack thought. I might as well gather some information on a way out of here, and if you are a demon, you messed with the wrong person. " happening..."
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Golf Slayer
    Glancing upwards, Jack saw a boy looking down at him. " can see me..." Jack hesitantly whispered. "Are you responsible for my being here?!" Jack yelled.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Golf Slayer
    Something was nagging his mind.
    Team up with someone... wisest in numbers.
    He didn't really understand why he was thinking that way.
    Was this hell effecting him?
    Did his past self, if any is thinking this?
    Is God saving me?

    "SOMEONE WHO CAN SEE ME AND HEAR ME TALK TO ME!" Jack screamed, falling onto the ground. "Please..."
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Golf Slayer
    "X." X stated, lowering his tilted head.
    I have no need for caution. No one is a threat...though everyone needs their guard up all the time... everyone gets hurt doing the exact opposite.
    "We gotta go to Vale to await further orders Erix..."
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Golf Slayer
    "So this is sign of existence...and constantly under pressure to do...something...but what?" He said outloud, not caring if anyone could hear him now. Well, nobody could...unless someone was going through the same thing.
    Jack reached into his pocket.
    Great. More random stuff. Looks like a pin...
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Golf Slayer
    "104....104....a highway?"
    No... the building.
    Jack started to sprint, actually going through people which freaked him out. Invisible, and ghost like...
    Running as fast as he could, his brown hair flowing crazily behind him, he reached the building.
    Seven... To do what?
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Golf Slayer
    "Erix..." X stated, teleporting to the woods, walking casually in. "Where...are you...." X mumbled, tilting his head.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Golf Slayer
    "How long I've waited to hear that..." X snarled. "Where exactly are the other members...?" X asked, unsheathing his blades, liquid acidic poison flying upwards from the momentum. A simple scar on your body, one weakpoint, one injury...the poison will seep through, killing you instantly.
    Post by: Golf Slayer, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home