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  1. Zarato
    Actually its technically possible to use the DW roxas moveset mod I put on page 358 and the Universal Character Mod (UCM)(first page) to make any form you wanted. You would also have to put in drive=max (9) code on the first page and infinite/max drive code also on the first page


    Just use the drive into DW roxas on the front page code in conjunction so that roxas can drive. The use my DW Roxas moveset mod on page 358 to make DW roxas have the form you want, and then drive into valor.

    Either way you could only have ONE FORM AT A TIME. since you cant mod DW roxas to have 4 or 5 movesets. also, wisdom would be useless since wisdom's bullets are part of its model. One more thing as well, no abilities would carry over which means no growth abilities :(
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Zarato
    If no one can help me on my last post, than do you know who created the DW Wisdom code on the front page?
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 25, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Zarato
    part of DW wisdom
    21CEFEDC 46544C55 (similar to 1st line of second code)
    11CEFEE0 0000525F (very similar to 2nd line)
    21CEFEF4 58455F57
    21CEFEF8 5F303130
    21CEFF00 0000525F

    roxas moveset mod
    right hand
    21cf009c XXXXXXXX
    21cf00a0 0000YYYY
    21cf00a4 00000000
    left hand
    21cf00bc XXXXXXXX
    21cf00c0 0000YYYY
    21cf00c4 00000000

    I know that these codes are related, but I was wondering if someone has hacked or if someone would hack master form's moveset in this format (not exactly sure about it myself, but I know that it is individual hand/arm/whatever mods.)
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 24, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Zarato
    Nice, I loved hacked boss fights that involve roxas for some reason. ^_^ Keep up the good work. It reminds me a little of keytotruth's roxas and xemnas vs terra.
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 15, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  5. Zarato
    Roxas moveset mod

    I don't know if anyone has posted this, but it is a new DW roxas moveset mod that I discovered after looking at the final form roxas code. I just thought I would post it. It would be cool if someone could add it to the front page or something. Oh, and the best part.


    DW Roxas hand moveset mod (it mods both hands individually)
    right hand
    21cf009c XXXXXXXX
    21cf00a0 0000YYYY
    21cf00a4 00000000
    left hand
    21cf00bc XXXXXXXX
    21cf00c0 0000YYYY
    21cf00c4 00000000

    X values
    (this the moveset of the form you want this hand to have)

    464C5442 Valor
    4647414D Wisdom
    46495254 Master
    46544C55 Final
    58455F50 Anti

    Y values
    (this is which hand of the form you want to give to roxas' hand.)
    4C5F left
    525F right

    So for example, lets say you want to give roxas master's moveset, but you want both his keyblades to spin in the air (like master's left hand) Then the code would be

    21cf009c 46495254 (master's moveset)
    21cf00a0 00004C5F (left hand)
    21cf00a4 00000000
    21cf00bc 46495254 (master's moveset)
    21cf00c0 00004C5f (left hand)
    21cf00c4 00000000

    I did not find this code, I'm only the first to post it in this form, so I don't take credit for creating the code ^_^
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 13, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Zarato
    alright, the deal is that the character mod is different in sora's and roxas' stories. Most of the codes are on the front page, but I can see how the DW roxas weapon mod can get confusing. Ok, here is the code for the final roxas, I'm afraid I can't help you with the other one.

    Play as DW roxas (Sora's story only jokered to L2 for your convenience)
    E001FEFF 0035B55C
    11CFA3FC 00000323

    DW roxas has final's moveset (no T-stancing)
    21cf009c 46544c55
    21cf00a0 00004c5f
    21cf00a4 00000000
    21cf00bc 46544c55
    21cf00c0 0000525f
    21cf00c4 00000000

    keyblade mod
    21CEF110 00000074 (oathkeeper=darkside kingdom key)
    1033FEC0 000001F4 (roxas' main weapon is Ultimaweapon)

    That should do it. The secret is that mickey's key is a DUMMY digit and has to replace a key model. You can't wield mickey's key directly. If you try, it'll freeze. That gives oathkeeper the appearance of mickey's key, but it still has the stats and abilities of oathkeeper.
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 11, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Zarato
    Hey, just a thought. Has anyone found out the slots for summons? i might try to replace a summon and see if it works. (and if not, I'll use the role modifier and see if that works.)
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 9, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Zarato
    Hi, I was trying out this code didn't work. First of all it made my save game menu invisible and when I stared the game up, not only was I invisible, but so were the fighters. I tried jokering it and walking into a different area, and it did the same thing. If I walk into another area after that, I get a freeze. Has anyone else tried this code, and if so is there a way to make it work.
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Zarato
    Are there any alternate model mods that I could attempt?
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  10. Zarato
    Dang it. And I have no way to update cuz I have no internet :( Do you think that is causing the problem?
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  11. Zarato
    I may be using an older version of codebreaker. Mine does not include the default code. I had to enter the game in manually.
    I have version 9.1
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  12. Zarato
    Nope. Still getting a BSOD. What mastercode are you using? just to be sure. I have seen more than one, and one I used for a while and it worked with some codes but not others. If that's not the problem, then I really am drawing a blank now. Oh, and I have tried multiple files and checked my code. Its all correct.
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  13. Zarato
  14. Zarato
    Ok then I am having a problem with the axel code; maybe you can clarify it. I boot it up and the boss warp works fine, but when I see sora alone in the command menu and hold down R2 then press start to go on to the battle, I get a BSOD.
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  15. Zarato
    Just wondering, will these codes work on a PS2 console w/ codebreaker or only an emulator?
    Post by: Zarato, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  16. Zarato
    Well I don't have the texture mod as that is impossible to do, but I do have a code I made for a kind of ven. Here it is.

    Play as Ven
    2037AE80 3F800000 (backwards wield)
    10340C64 00000000 (no left hand keyblade)
    11CFA3FC 00000323 (play as DW roxas)

    My backwards wield is actually a glitch that results from the size mod, but don't worry, the key is set to normal. It will just make it look backwards. It has the best look and moveset of all the Ven codes I've seen. Might be a good idea to use the DW roxas reaction commands code above too.
    Post by: Zarato, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Zarato
    Ick, what about the color mod? Not to sure about it, but i think it's quite a bit more complicated than it looks.
    Post by: Zarato, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Zarato
    Dang it. Is there any way to convert them so they will? If not, that's fine, just disappointing.

    I did find the kh2FM color mod. Is there a possibility that it can be converted? I didn't see too much stuff about it. Here its is

    Color mod

    -XXXX Digits-
    FF00FFFF = Yellow
    000000FF = Red
    00FFFFFF = Gold/White
    FFFF0000 = Blue
    00FF00FF = Pink
    00000000 = Black
    Post by: Zarato, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Zarato
    RE: Shadow Roxas

    (Yes I am newer here)
    I tried all of those and both forms of the code caused a bsod for both DW and normal roxas. Any ideas?
    Post by: Zarato, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault