Thanks everyone:D And don't worry, I won't spam. I'm already a member of 10+++ forums and I'm even a mod at two so I'm not new to forums;)
That was my revenge for getting my gender wrong.:p I'm a she, not a he;) Dwarf rabbits are all really cute:D I'm a bunny-person.
I'd capture a shadow and keep it as a pet:p and feed it ice cream! (Shadows are cute:D)
What if the organzation XIII did get their hearts back?
Actually, male cats can't be tortishell, unless they have a hormon disorder or something. The gene that causes three-coloured cats is at the female gene.
My uncle used to have a dashound. She was kind of Max's stepmother:p And she was really strict.
Demyx-He was supposed to be a poor fighter. Yeah right! Fighting him was a real pain! The figths against Xemnas was kind of cool but I kept wishing he could just stay dead:p That battle with the giant dragon after Riku and Sora are left alone inside Kingdom Hearts was just...useless...
I don't have one favourite. It's either Roxas or Axel, Demyx is also very cool:D and Riku...
Roxas or Axel. They're the best:D Roxas is somewhat young though... but whatever, he's so cute:D
I really really love animals, might be one of the few things I enjoy more than KH. So yeah... do you have any pets? If yes, what? Tell me about them and post pictures of you like Here's my crew: I attend to an agriculture school, where we have plenty of small animals, whenever they have kits I get really temted to take one home, but since I still live with my parents, the answer is usually no:( I did manage to get a few though:D Here's the origin of my nickname. Zakura the Killer Rabbit. Named so because she is nuts, an evil heartless rabbit:p She bites and scratches, yet still I would never part with her. She was my first rabbit and she's now 2 years old and neutered, which kind of helped with her aggresion problem... Zakura is a mix of netherland dwarf and holland lop Here's my second rabbit. The food-loving Sasuke the Legendary Black Beast. He's a purebreed rex and as many ohter rexes, he loves food. He also likes Zakura...a little too well... He doesn't care that she isn't fertile, whenever I let them loose together he's all over her. Sasuke is a year old. This here is my newest pet. I've begged for a hamster for almost a year when my mom finally came through last November. The hamster's name is Sabaku no Temari (Temari of the desert) and she's a longhaired syrian hamster (also known as teddy bear hamster) She was the first and only pet I've ever bougth at a pet store (I would usually avoid pet stores, since you'll never know where the pets come from). My rabbits were both born at school. Temari (or Tempus:p ) is 5 months old. Here's my seven-year old puppy Max. He was tecnically my first pet (not counting the furby or the tamagotchi:p ) but its mostly mom who cares for him. I feed and walk him when she's not home though. He's just a lovable pooch, mix of so much, but that doesn't matter. All my animals are named after comic characters, Zakura is based of Haruno Sakura in Naruto (switched the S with Z cause I felt like it), Sasuke is from Uchiha Sasuke from the same comic, Temari is named after Temari and Sabaku no Gaara in the same comic. Max comes from another comic I once read, about a dog named Max... I still keep begging for more pets, mostly rodents. I would love to get a dwarf hamster and then name him Roxas:p
They are all of the samme bunny:p My evil heartless bunny... I can upload pictures of my other animals later. (I have 4, 1 dog, 1 hamster and 2 bunnies)
I don't have any pictures of me on my own, I'm an animal photographer, so that's what I photograph. Manage to take some shots of me with my animals though Here's me, and the origin of my username, Zakura the Killer Rabbit. Same girl, and beileve it or not, same bunny. This picture was taken two years ago, when Zakura was only 3 weeks old and still living with her mom. They grow up too fast. My first attemt to photograph myself and Zakura:p Someone thought she was a puppy at this picture...but she is a rabbit!
Hi everyone... I'm new here (as you may have noticed) I just randomly decided to buy Kingdom hearts one day and immidately got hooked:p Unfortunately I was unable to find Kingdom hearts 1 in the stores at the time I decided to buy it, so after about a week I lost patience and bought KH2 instead... Later I ordered KH online, I haven't completed that one yet but I've seen all the cutscenes I just had to... Otherwise I love Disney and Anime-movies, so what better for me to spend my days than playing KH? My favourite characters are Axel and Roxas. I write fanfiction too, I have just started on a parody of Kingdom Hearts 2 and another far more serious (and sad) story. I also love to draw, I made my own avatar of a heartless eating ice cream (made for Deviantart which is why it's so small, might make a bigger one later), I just love those little guys. My username comes from my rabbit, Zakura, I use that almost anywhere I go (except for on where I'm Miss.Ecofreak AKA Usagi-Zakura and on DA I am Usagi-Zakura. I love animals... Have two rabbits called Sasuke the Legendary Black beast and of course Zakura the Killer Rabbit, a dog named Max and a hamster called Sabaku no Temari. That was all I could think of at the moment... I hope to get a good time here:D