It's fine
Not that much really.
Says I got 21 rep points dunno....
...... Nice.... I don't know how many I have
Good job, been here two years that's all I am... Needa be more active
What ?
Who needs school when we got each other? x=7 y=4? Would that be the answer? I'm no good at this at all.
Yup now were doing math. Our own lil school going on.
*runs outside with you* Damn what could that have been. *sends lightning into the cave to light it up*
18 Sweet fun time thats fur sure.
T-t-t-tenth you?
Our own little lesson of geography
(sorry thought i replied) *stands up and feels in front of him and something big and loud moves* what the **** *gets hit by a giant stick*
I think Denton County is where Bowling For Soup are from.... I think
Nahhh this is the way *dashes towards the light and hits somethin and falls to the* Whats the....
*runs into a cave that at the end has a light when gone through theres a forest* There right threw there.
Oh ok haha
... .