'Sup. Pokemon battle. That's all I have to say: www.pokemonshowdown.com My name is Loriah23 on that site. I won't go easy on you. >:3 Make sure...
Post a current hard rock song that you're listening to. Right now, I'm listening to this: A7X has got to be my fave band. <3 Rules 1. The music has to be from a hard rock category AKA: thrash, metal, ext. 2. Please follow the regular forum rules--as in to say--no double posting or being rude to others 3. Have fun and share points of views on other people's hard rock music
Avatar: 7/10 It's alright... Signature: 7/10
Fatty Bear--what a cute and funny name. :3
Yeps. :3
Yeah--I will. Thanks for the request. :) Your requests have been fulfilled. Spoiler: Request 1 Spoiler: Request 2
I have 0 Pokemon cards in my parent's household. I only collect the games. Silly me...
Hello. Where do I request for pin making? Thanks.
It's so cute. I just want to hug it to death I mean--hug it--not crush it. XD
She has long white hair and wears the Organization cloak.
'Sup. May I request for you to draw Lexas? Thanks if ya can.
'Sup. Would you like to read a KH fanfic that I've currently made? Here it is: http://www.kh-vids.net/posts/3986998/
Namine can control people's minds--of course she can have power over a lot of people near her. It said so in Chain of Memories--I think...
Yeah--Axel had to because of Saix. D: Saix somehow knew that Lexas talked with Namine and Riku about Sora.
'Sup. I've updated Lexas's story if you were wondering....
I've added more. Hope you guys enjoy~ This is the most saddest part in the whole story... I shook my head and turned to Axel. “Nah. It’s fine. Let’s just…leave, alright?” I turned towards the old mansion again and spotted Naminé looking down at us. CHAPTER THREE AFTER THE TALK WITH NAMINE, I'VE BEEN HAVING SOME PRETTY MESSED UP MIXED DREAMS ABOUT THREE KIDS LOOKING OUT AT THE SUNSET ON WHAT SEEMED TO BE A BEACH AND ONE WHERE SORA WAS ENGULFED IN DARKNESS WHILE RIKU EXTENDED A HAND OUT TO HIM.The next day, I got up and dressed as usual. As I walked down the long staircase to the meeting room, I spot Axel looking out at the giant glass window that showed Kingdom Hearts. I walked by Axel’s side and looked out at the window, seeing the giant golden heart, glow brightly in the darkness. “It’s beautiful. Isn’t it?” Axel asked. I give a nod of my head as the both of us gazed into the glimmering lights of the millions of hearts Roxas had collected with his keyblade. “Hey, Lexas.” I look up and see Roxas looking down at me. I was so shocked that I fell backwards and hit the concrete. “Ow…” I managed to stand up. “What’s it, Roxas?” I ask. “Um—would you like to walk around Twilight town with me?” As both me and Roxas walked around Twilight town, we talked about what kinds of missions we had and our improvements. “So, Roxas—what would you like to tell me?” I ask as I kick a stone out of my way. Roxas turned towards me. “I’ve got to tell you that—I’ve had these dreams.” I scratched my head. “Dreams? What kind of dreams?” “Well—“ Roxas explained about the dream where he saw three kids looking at the sunset on a beach and how the spiky brown haired kid felt a certain connection to him. “A certain connection, huh?” I look at the sunset as it dipped the horizon. “Shall I explain it to you?” I turn and see Axel looming over the both of us. “What do you want, Axel?” I ask as I stand up and glowered at him. Axel let out a laugh. “Isn’t it pretty obvious?” A grin spread across his face and he bent his head down. “I’m here to—give you a pleasant greeting!” Axel summoned both of his weapons that caused a fiery explosion, making both me and Roxas fly back. I let out a cough as I stood up unsteadily, one hand on the asphalt and one holding onto my side. “Roxas! You alright?” “Yeah!” Roxas called out. A smoke cloud surrounded the both of us so that we couldn’t see a thing. “Axel! Why are you attacking us?!” I yell. “Orders from Saïx. Eliminate the triators.” I turn and see that Axel appeared behind me. I summoned both of my blades and gripped them tightly as I blocked Axel’s attack. Another fiery explosion from his weapons made me fly back, hitting a wall. I grit my teeth as I look at the smoke cloud, hearing another battle what seemed to be Axel VS Roxas. "Roxas! You planning to turn on the Organization?!” Axel yelled as he slashed at Roxas. Roxas blocked the attack with his keyblade and leaped back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” “Don’t lie to me!” Axel slashed upwards, making a huge gash appear in Roxas’s coat. Roxas jumped back out of the smoke cloud, his face beating with sweat. “Roxas!” I call. Roxas turned towards my direction and saw me slumped over. “What?!” Roxas yelled. “Mansion! Naminé!” I yell. Roxas nodded like he understood and took off in the direction of the mansion in the forest. I glared at the smoke cloud, waiting for Axel to come out but he never did. Instead, he appeared right behind me, smiling like this was the best thing yet. “Aren’t you two getting acquainted with each other!” A fiery explosion erupted out of Axel’s two weapons and hit me in the chest, making me fly back. This time, though, I managed to get back on my feet, but Axel was faster. He slashed at my side, making a huge gash form. I grit my teeth and stepped back, trying to slash at Axel, but he kept on dodging them. “Axel—don’t make me do this!” “Glad I won’t!” Axel slashed upwards, but I dodged it and leaped back. I put both of my blades in front of each other and concentrated, feeling power more than ever surge through me for a combo. “Get ready!” I then zoomed at Axel and slashed at him repeatedly. “Agh!” I collapsed to the ground and both of my blades fell beside me. Axel loomed over me, smirking as he dissipated both of his weapons. “Now—where’s Roxas?” I spit out blood at Axel and let out a laugh. “I won’t tell you.” “Is that so? I guess I’ll have to…” Axel summoned both of his weapons again and pointed one at my chin. “Force…agh!” Axel put one hand up to his head like he was in pain and dropped both of his weapons, which clanged as they hit the ground. Axel then fell to his knees with both of his hands still to his head. Run! Another voice spoke in my head and I knew who it was. It was Naminé. I ran as fast as I could away from Axel towards the hole that led to the mansion. I was halfway to the hole when suddenly Axel appeared out of nowhere; angry now than ever. I backed away from Axel as he took a step toward me, smiling like he had finally caught up with me. “Let’s have some fun, Lexas.” Axel jumped into the air and pointed both of his weapons downwards. I blocked the attack with both of my blades and jumped back.
I'm currently writing more of it and I'll post it on here in a while.
'Sup. :) I've seen your drawings and I love 'em. Is there any technique to draw realistic kinds because every time I try to, it comes out weird....