Hi. Sorry to be rude of asking you this, but--did you finish with Roxas's voice? :/
Oh--alright. I'm trying to draw realistic, but--I kinda suck... CX I was thinking of attending art school.
Oh--alright. CX
Smell Christmas in the air.
Yeah--Namine made Axel remember Lexas from his childhood past so he was conflicted on whether to attack or not.
Your sig request has been fulfilled if you were wondering...
Your request has been fulfilled. Anything ya want me to change, I'll do it. Spoiler: Request 1
I'm getting a 3.5 and I'm too lazy to post what classes I'm getting a B or a A in.
Oh--alright... D: I tried to break the argument, but I couldn't. Oh well...
I don't think that fussing about KH Vid's new design would get anywhere...
Hi. Can you lock this?: http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/dawn-of-the-first-day.135563/ Things are getting a little out of hand...
Can someone just lock this? :/
Ew--her voice is too high. She sounds like one of the chipmunks from that movie.
Your welcome.
But it's just a video game. O_o
Fine. *Sprouts wings and flies off*
Yeps. On my way. Your request has been fulfilled. If you need anything to change--I will. Spoiler: Request 1
I'm just joking. God.
I'm not your mom. -.-
I agree with Muff. If we keep worrying about the end of the world, we won't go anywhere. We'll just be sitting at a computer and thinking, the world's going to end and I don't know what to do. [Sorry if I said end of the world again...]