I'm prolly in it for the story but the idea of playing Assassins' on a DS doesn't too spectacular. Maybe I might change my opinion when I actually get to try it.
Nah, I think Goofy just revealed the Organization's plans without realising it. XD Continue the good work, DF, and keep up with the witty humor.
...that's new...I think...is it? o.O Anyway, you're prolly not going to read this anyway but you have a late welcome from me. ...yeah. Late welcome.
...does anyone even play Half-Life anymore or what?
Doubt it. It would totally sucked if they did it. If it did, it would prolly advertise the second part like a soap opera: "Next time on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Harry goes more angst then ever? Will Ron actually bag Hermione?"
No, they just look really, really similar. So similar infact they were prolly born from the same mother. >.> ...and Wonderful World should prolly come out sometime in 2008.
Actually, I thought the second DBZ Tenkaichi game was pretty game. The third one pretty much failed. ...but could they please stop making DBZ games? I mean, geez, enough is enough. When are we going to see an actual decent game for Bleach? Or some other un-hyped anime?
...Mine would have to be running in a field of flowers. So original, no? XD
I wouldn't say that Code Geass completely owns Death Note. It just have more bishies...and mecha.
Um, mate, I think you better wait until the end of the month to reveal the winner. Because some people might just look at the other contestant's results and think that they just have no chance of actually winning.
Hmmm, this is the first time I've posted in this type of topic. 35227.
After Dark - Asian Kung Fu Generation
PC: Age of Empires II - I forgot how good this game was. PS2: Devil May Cry 3 - ...what? Kingdom Hearts II - Sephiroth meets the end of a Kingdom Key...for the 10th time.
Woot, second post, baby! CHANCE! - UVERworld
The only dubbed version of a Final Fantasy anime I want to hear... ...is the VA of Chuck Norris.
I'm in. But first... When is the due date?