...want...*reaches for screen, gasping*...now... T.T
...watch these. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Samurai Champloo. Darker Than Black. Yu Yu Hakusho. Cowboy Bebop. Code Geass. Mai Hime.
Really? I think he looks more like some general. >.>
...do you mean, 'What anime have you watched/what anime are you watching?' I've finished watching recently: Neon Genesis Evangelion Code Geass I'm currently watching: Samurai Champloo Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Hmmm, not too bad of a deal. Uncharted is an actual pretty good game.
...I'll only believe you if you scan the manual. *in denial*
...I was actually serious. >.> Maybe Rollo is like...Lelouch's test tube enhanced baby... <.<
Ougi? Nah. I don't think he has the brainpower to carry out such an operation. I'm thinking perhaps, Suzaku and Kallen forget about Lelouch being Zero through the power of some mysterious new Geass. Then Lelouch is then blackmailed into working for a oh-so-criminal-mastermind who wants to continue running the Black Knights. At least what is left of it, anyway.
Yeah, I dont think FFXIII will be coming out anywhere outside Japan this year. If European gamers are lucky, they might get it perhaps during the Christmas Season or halfway through the year of 2009 at some point.
Actually, you can, Solid Snake. Just that you'll be playing 40% of the game as Dante and 60% as Nero.
Dude, this totally sucks. We'll miss you Rosey. You were definetely one of the best S.Mods this forum has ever had.
Oh yeah, they are recovering...by leeching off another website. >.>
Tifa vs Lara Croft. Brad Pitt vs Angelina Jolie.
It does go in the Fan-Movies section. Good song choice but too much intro footage and why the heck does it just cut off at the end?
I'm 27. Not that anyone cares. >.>
exile0025, Jordier posted this in the Spam Zone...do you really think this is serious? ...btw, I don't have a sense of humour...yeh. Just thought I should make it clear.
I got it when it first came out. Haven't got sick of the series yet.
You can use Yamato with Dante in DMC4 (Most likely it will be explained how he got Yamato too). He'll even borrow Vergil's style, Darkslayer, but it seems you can't switch to a different style whilst using it. To my knowledge, Dante can't get out of breath. To even think Dante would lose his breath is stupid.
@Caetlin - Then you might want to play some others games before it comes out. >.> Well, all I need to do now is connect my PS3 to Internet. Haven't done that yet.
...This is...SPARTA!? *waves arms*