Any specific anime/game in general, DA? Because the picture just looks stunning.
I used to play it but that was awhile ago. It's a bit embarrassing really. >.> Now I just see the actual point anymore in it...that and I can't take it seriously anymore due to YGO: The Abridged Series.
God, whoever took these must have had alot of patience. It's always good to know you can always have fun in MGS, regardless of the intense storyline. xD
Hey Jude - Joe Anderson.
I'm a big fan of Nickelback but I am really, really getting sick of hearing this song. Anyway, with that out of the way. You use WMM, right? I know it hasn't got fantastic effects but there will definetely add a new element to your video. Keeps things fresh, ya know? You missed a few beats but your timing was pretty good. The text was a bit unneccessary but meh. 3/5.
Yeah, it's easy but few people manage to look good whilst doing it. If you want a real challenge, play on Hell and Hell. You're going to be pulling your hair out.
I have a couple of friends doing the IB program actually. Not me though on the other hand. I'm relying on obtaining a good OP.
I saw it once but it didn't have that same charm. I think they should have just left the series alone.
Well, I'm not sure if Nomura actually intended for there to be any connection to KH II in the first place. Maybe Nomura was re-watching the Kingdom Hearts intro whilst planning how to end KH II thus why we have Kairi waving at Sora and Riku at the end and etc.
Friends and Two and a Half Men.
Heroes is awesome. Full stop. What's the story with Season 2 though? Like why arent there arent any new episodes?
Not much to say, really. Welcome, I suppose. Read and don't break the rules, be active, don't be a ****** and have fun. /flies off
Nup. No way. There is no way we will have zip files. As stated before me, it would be way too big. Besides, not everyone wants all of the cutscenes. Some might just one or two certain ones.
Those Words Are Not Enough - Relient K
Despite the fact that it gets quite repetitive after the first three assassinations, Assassins' is a good game. Not the best game but I would definetely if you've got the cash to spare or you're into the whole Crusades thing.
... Okay, there is something very wrong with picture. The United States locks away a guy who stole a pack of donuts for 77 years whereas rapists/pedophiles get locked away for like 20. ...something is wrong with this system.
...Xendran, that was just fail. >.>
AngelNeko90, first, get a smaller picture cause that's just huge. Second, why don't you just download the KHII English Opening off the site and turn it into a MP3?
Heaven Or Hell was only easy if you abused Ebony and Ivory/any other type of ranged weapon in DMC3. From what I've heard these are teh current modes: Human (Easy) Devil Hunter (Normal) Son of Sparda (Hard) Dante/Nero Must Die Hell or Hell
I'm going to have to pull out. I just haven't got enough time as it is to do what I want.