Auburn High: School of Mutan Studies Location: Salem, Oregon Summary: Auburn High: School of Mutan Studies has been in business for centuries, but it wasn't until decades ago, the existence of Mutants was hidden. But the rise of Craven, a Mutant underground society that warrants the death of all humans, exposed the existence of all mutants. Unaware that the Eagles, Auburn High's most acclaimed Power Placement team, are working for Craven, Professor Carmichael Green opens the school to more Mutant students. While the Eagles are the Champions of Power Placement battles at school, the newest team of the incoming class, The Black Vipers, are here to take their place. Mutan High has opened up for another year of teaching mutants how to control their powers, but this year’s a little different. This year Rein Valadan, Peace Warren, Spike Appero, Fin Blaze, Star Nolonez, and Tech Malan will be attending it. They are the only mutants other than Professor Carmichael that have more than two powers. All of these teens are a group of “Grade A” example of rule breakers. They all seem very different, but the same. These kids may not get along with each other, but they’re forced to when they all get partnered up to be teams for the rest of their time at Mutan High. They may not like it, but they have to live with each other and stick it out. These teens get off to a ruff start that is until they find out that they all have more in common than they ever imagined. They all come together to bet the current champs of Mutan High, the Eagles. After their big win the Eagles turn evil and try to destroy the school. Rein, Peace, Spike, Star, and Tech all team up to defeat the Eagles. But will they overcome their differences long enough to work together and defeat the Eagles or will they let that be their down fall? Anyone interested?[DOUBLEPOST=1403156162][/DOUBLEPOST]Here Are the Charecters: The Black Vipers Rein Valadan Age:15 From: Salem, Oregon. Power: copy cat with infinite powers, but her core focuses are: telepathy, magnetism of metals, the power to inflict pain which includes both mental and physical types, and she is a fire starter. She can also transfer pain, read minds, tell the future, past and present. Her other abilities include her copying skills, mind control, the ability to control the weather, and nature. She is also a walking love potion, he allure is so strong, men fall to her feet. Description: painfully awkward, loner, sassy when threatened, usually meek. While she is powerful, that's what makes her prone to being outrageously unable to control her powers. While Rein is the most powerful mutant in her group, she's also probably the most powerful mutant on the planet. She's smart, witty, talented, trilingual, beautiful, and humble. But, don't get her wrong, she can kick ass, handle a bow and arrow, and can talk to snakes like her pet Luna. Rein is hard core punk on the outside, but a real softie. Back Story: At the age of five, she became an orphan when both her parents were killed in a car crash. Ever since, she has been on her own. At the age of 13 she was accused of killing 13 by standers and was placed in a concentration camp. After being found not guilty, she was released at the age of 15. Warning: This girl is hellacray if you mess with her snake, insult her mother's memory, or get out of line with the ppl she cares about. She will not hesitate to knock the breaks off anyone who messes with her or her family. She may seem stable, but in battle, once her powers take over, it's nearly impossible to stop her. Spike Appero Age: 16 From: Tokyo, Japan Power: He had the ability to crystallize cells in the body with spikes. He also has the ability to appropriate poisonous needles through his skin. His venom can also be acidic. Description: Hard ass, doesn't take crap from anyone, tries to avoid physical altercations, but will fight if he has to, likes being alone, is often the silent type. While it hasn't been disclosed yet, it's obvious that he has a thing for Rein. Back Story: Son of Lucas Bonavage, one of Craven's finest members. All his life, he has been trying to live down his father's name. While his father was a part of Craven, Spike never saw it's effects until his father was executed, To avoid being captured, Spike hid underground. With his father gone, and no living relatives, Spike's ready to make a fresh start.Fin Blaze Age: 16 From: Dublin, Ireland Power: He has the power to manipulate liquids, freeze time, control pain as well as transfer it by means of water, the ability to create sound waves so destructive that it could destroy entire cities and the ability to control emotions. Description: Witty, understanding, compassionate, family is everything to him, sensible, smug, and sentimental, yet cold-hearted. Back Story: grew up in the slums of Ireland after his parents left him. While he loved them, they never came to terms with his abilities. Star Nolonez Age: 16 From: Rio de Janerio, Brazil Power: He has the ability to make ones’ worst fears come to life. His powers also include teleportation, the manipulation of light, super speed, cell division, and the ability to create and destroy matter as well as energy. Description: Energetic, gregarious bad ass/smart ass, supper fun guy, loves to spare, not embarrassed when he puts himself out there, class clown, willing to pick a fight with anyone, and he loves the ladies. Back Story: He had lost his parents at the age of eight when they were caught in the line of fire during the beginning of the revolution. While he mourned the loss of his parents, he was more guarded than Tech who was spared the privilege of watching his parents die. Tech Malan Age: 16 From: South African (Dutch) Power: His powers include being a techno-path, the ability to control electrons, control over weather, the ability to electrocute, and the ability to magnetize metal. Description: stoic, takes pleasure in silently criticizing others, loves technology, and is a flaming psychopath/sociopath. Back Story: Parents were executed by Craven an underground organization that bought light to the idea of mutants. Tech's family was brutally murdered when his mother refused to join Craven in their uprising of the Revolution. Peace Warren Age: 16 From: Orlando, Florida Power: His abilities include manipulation of fire, walking through walls, super strength, he’s a tracker, and he’s also able to absorb various types of metals. Description: silent bad boy, edgy, threatens those who annoy him, hot head, and is insanely in denial about his feelings for Rein. Back Story: parents died in a fire in which Warren was the only survivor.
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Its a school for mutants. Im ope n to any ideas but i have 6 charecters picked out. These charecters r a part of a team. Any ideas?
This man is an angel. Talk about a male adele. He sings to my my soul, spirit, heart, and everything in between. Hes so talented and im super addicted. What did you u all think?
I feel u on that. God, I argue with my om so much i have to move out now, not just for my sake but for my sibling's sake. My mom's pretty abusive emotionally and otherwise. For like 19 years of my life, I've lived there, but I haven't ever lived my life fore me, save academically. Everything's been for her. I've tried being the daughter she wants me to be for 19 years of my life. It's never enough. It's always one thing after another. At this point, I told her I'm moving out for college. At first she said it was fine, but then later she totally changed her mind. As time gets closer to my move out date, she gets angrier with me. It's not fair. I mean, she said if i move out I'm not thinking about my family, but I'm moving out for my family. Both for financial and emotional reasons. Too many ppl in one apartment. one less person makes a difference. I can't live there 4 more years, so i'm moving, she's not going to be happy, but i have to make myself happy for once in my life, right?
What are some of the best things in life to you. For example, what will you miss when you're gone? I'll miss music.[DOUBLEPOST=1403129458][/DOUBLEPOST]It's one of the best things about life. And kind of scary to imagine a world without music.
Okay so lately i have been having problems with ppl on this website and i just dont know why ppl on there dont like me. In real life ppl love me. I mean im not the most social person but once i get to know someone we are inseparable. Tell me if im wrong. I mean these ppl call me names then tell me im the crazy one. i mean i know im not the best at communication but i dont call ppl names or curse at them out of respect even though they dont reslect me enough to do the same. All my threads r turned into zomethingnegagive because the ppl jave been so negative. I mean there are some great pll i met on there but im not dven sire if its worth it. It its gotten so bad ppl are reporting me for random nonsense resons and getting me banned for thinhs i have t even done. I mean i love the website but this one fits more. What should i do?[DOUBLEPOST=1403135606][/DOUBLEPOST]Any advice would help.