It was actually a halfway decent book movie, which is more than I was expecting (Book movies are NOT good.) My only two MAJOR complaints are: 1. It was WAY rushed. 2. From the baseball scene to the end of the movie, it was TOTALLY WRONG. totally. There were a bunch of other little errors, but overall it was good.
I feel like I should post this... It's my favorite lolcat EVAR.
*steals cookies* um... what's a premium? This thread is the first I'm ever hearing of them.
BANNED because... well... do I need a reason?
It's a good show.
lawlz. Were those actual cereal boxes?
um... I actually looked for the F13 key. Does that make me stupid?
Avvy 7/10 --- pretty cool Siggy 7.37593759032875439753497626/10 --- um... what's a xpost?
Banned because YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!
But isn't the Riku clone still slumped against that flowerpot or whatever with its heart broken? I don't think it got up...
oh my GAWD Spoiler This movie is EPIC FAIL!!!!!
(O.0) My head A Splode.
Falcon PAWNCH!!!! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Anyway, if you want to see a falcon punch, this is a good video. Pure EPIC.
those books are EPIC AWESOMENESS. BTW, 6*9 really is base 13!
OH MY GOD! where? actually, 2 uses of the "1 little baddy bad word that people say all the time". It is one of the less-bad swears though... Yeah it might be E10+ if they keep it in, but so was KH2.
BANNED because banning people is fun!
Aw come ON! Sphenopalatineganglioneuralgia really is a word! i love spam! :silence:
Ish can haz be lol-worthy