Ok, I would do one of two things: 1. Accurately measure the amount of water in the glass and find out if it really half full/empty 2. Look at it and go "Yep, that's a glass." 2a. Then go do something else, like posting this message.
Avvy: 7/10 --- cool. Siggy: 4.2/10 --- There's really nothing there...
BANNED for not having a reason to ban allisonlove90!
O rly? This post is
If this is rock bottom... I'd trip and fall 10 feet lower.
HOLY :censor2: THIS GAME IS HARDCORE. anyway, i got 65. :rockdover:
Meh, still gonna pronounce it Mar-lux-i-ah. This game looks AWESOME!!!!! EPIC WANT.
BANNED because I don't either
Ok... Re: CoM is out. Did they change the line?
Wait... Spam Zone posts don't count? :ranting:GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!:yelling: :crashcomp:
OMG. I started a new file on my old CoM game and he does say "Commit it to memory"!!!
OMGWTFBBQ. He didn't always say "got it memorized?"
BANNED because my head A Splode trying to think of reasons to ban you.
This post is SPAM!!!!!
Actually, the locked area on the KH2 site is Battle System. You can see it for a second if you move your mouse onto the coming soon icon and move it off.
wow... I post a lolcat and people start posting again? I should remember this...
thats my favorite lolcat EVAR.
A-person-on-this-forum :)
O rly? How different?
epic lolz.