Uniforms are completely unneeded. Dress codes, does anyone really look at them? Here's a good dress code: Don't expose yourself or wear stuff with innapropriate stuff on it to school. Exept for that, just wear whatever you want.
I think it was made b4 he died. Anyway, I IZ A LOLCAT SUPPORTER!!!!!!
OMFG YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he visits every kid in one night... O_o
Doesn't have a kh-vids account.
ROFLMAO. Spoiler
Actually, I'd run away screaming. kingdomheartsgirl200 said I had any gun I wanted... but she didn't say anything about ammo.
nao u iz. What time exactly is peanut butter jelly time?
and it is PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROTFLMAO. I thought they had forgotten to renew the domain or something. does an admin or someone know what really happened?
OMGWTFBBQ. Would she like it if the guy had just left her to die? This is just too weird...
aw dang i losed. Spoiler
water has zero everything... diet water? FAIL.
Ok, It was yesterday (December 20), around 8 or 9 PM. I was on the computer, and I decided to go to kh-vids. But when I typed kh-vids.net into the URL bar, I got some random GoDaddy domain-buying screen. I went to google and put kh-vids into the search bar. I clicked on the link to kh-vids. There was the SAME GODADDY SCREEN! I repeated that a couple more times. Same screen. I went to bed worrying about kh-vids. I got on the computer today. I went to kh-vids. It was fine. So, WTF HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?!
O rly? It was funnier than the Japanese one to me.
BANNED (yaaaaay im banning myself) for double posting!
ha ha ha ROFLOL um... what's toradora?
the glass isn't half full/empty/just above or below the halfway point/whatever!!!!! The glass is Spoiler TWICE THE SIZE IT NEEDS TO BE!!!!! Thats the really simple and obvious solution.
um... its a mode where you fight against another player. Anyway, if they did include it then that would be just about the best thing EVAR. But they probably won't. :(
yaaaaaaaaaaay kittehz
Change time? No, I wouldn't. I would go to the past to change time, and there I would try to change something, thus altering the future. However, in the future/present I would be intelligent enough to realize that whatever I tried to do was unsuccessful, because the future is the way it has always been and hasn't been changed by my acions. So I'd save myself the time and energy and just not do it. Manipulating the flow of time (stopping, fast-forwarding, or rewinding time), however, is something completely different. I could have all sorts of fun with that... *evil laugh*