Thank God. no-reality_allowed had me scared for a minute...
I have a PS3 that can play PS2 games, and so I have my PS2 game saves on the PS3 hard drive, on a virtual memory card. However, recently when I try to play PS2 games they give me a message saying that a PS2 memory card is not inserted. I checked on the PS3 startup (home?) menu, and the memory card is still there, and my data is completely intact. How do I "reinsert" the memory card so I can use it again? Help please! Off topic: How do I turn off a controller while playing a PS3 game? When I press the PS button, a get the home menu, and I can't find any way to turn off the controller from there. As a result, I've sometimes needed to control two sackpeople when my brother (or I) left our LBP game for one reason or another. The song about the game is on the link. Spoiler I JUST LOST THE GAME Spoiler :Awesome:
wait... didn't the spartans lose on the 3rd day of the battle?
Well, in the game, all sora saw of the castle (before the 13th floor) was just a lot of hallways and staircases, so it makes sense that a Castle Oblivion created from his memories would be a long hallway.
I lose things all the time, and then look down to find the lost item in my hands.
I've attempted it, failed, then went back to watching people do it on youtube. It is pretty cool though.
hmm... I wonder if the Ps3 Slim will have the PS2 backwards compatability chip thingy that Sony is planning to put in PS3s...?
I own an old PS3 that can play PS2 games ( ) and I've never connected it to the internet. I tried today, using a wired ethernet connection. I tried to sign up for the Playstation Network (LittleBigPlanet said I needed to to go online), but I got a DNS error, number 80710102. Repeated tries gave the same results. I looked on, but the troubleshooting page confused me and I am unsure of what I should do. I would try to download the newest system update, but I am afraid that it would take away my ability to play PS2 games. Help please!
1. Where are the bulky vendor heartless? (pic: Spoiler ) I know what worlds they're supposed to be in, but I'm having a hard time finding them. (Specific room names please). 2. Where are some good spots to level final form? I used to train at Proof of Existance, but now that I fought Xemnas (the first time) I no longer change back with my drive gage refilled when I enter that room.
It may be a sad game, but what will make it even sadder is when you realize that the characters you grew to like over the course of the game (at least the non Castle Oblivion Org. members and Xion) are the ones you just killed in KH2.
VGCats, slackerz, and Super Effective.
I can and do pop a lot of joints. They don't hurt if I don't, I just pop them unconsiously.
In your house!
I would just make the regular old Kingdom Key and Darkside... but I could use them, because that would just be awesome. I would probably give Darkside an ability that gives me unlimited MP (I can't give the ability to Kingdom Key, it already has Defender).
not really, because there's usually no cutscenes in games' multiplayer modes, and that's what me and my friends play when we get together.
Another 358/2 Days question: Will we be able to play as Riku or Mickey in multiplayer or will it be just the Org. members?
I'm having trouble imagining the Org. as animals, but I would want the Pride Lands to be in the game, if only so I can jump off Pride Rock on my DS.
If you're reading this, you just lost the game. I did too. :)