Why hello there!
Sonic the Hedgehog.
I only made this thread to see what people would say about it. I mean I'm fine with it and all cause I just don't care about it.
and now I still think you're an idiot.
Best thing ever posted on KHV.
I have done 0.
Not in my case. What the have I ever done on this piece of shit (KHV)?
well that's obvious.
Death of Kratos-Gerard K. Marino
The Battle for Olympus-Gerard K. Marino
Cute :) . Two can be as bad as one It's the loneliest number since the number one
What? What is joke? How what is doesing joke?
God of War II Main Title-Gerard K. Marino
What's your point?
Oh hey there! How long have you been back? Am I just not very observant?
Can you please close this thread?
1 .
You're the only one.
Hmmm... I see...