That and DJs aren't allowed to have opinions on music.
The USA is better than any other country in the world.
As many of you who live in America know US Senator Ted Kennedy, D (MA), passed away early in the morning yesterday. And the Democratic party didn't wait too long to say 'Win One for Teddy'. The way I see this is the Democrats are using the death of Ted Kennedy to push the health care reform bill through congress. And honestly, that is despicable of them to pull this. Also, before his death, Ted Kennedy made a proposal to the Congress in Massachusetts which would allow the current Governor of the state to appoint somebody else to fill Ted Kennedy's seat in the US Senate. The current governor in Massachusetts is a Democrat, just like Kennedy. Currently the rule in that state is that a special election would be held to determine the new Senator. And the way that the approval rating of Obama and Democrats overall it's clear why they would want a Democrat to just appoint a new representative. This would not be the first time something like this has happened in Massachusetts. When John Kerry, D (MA), ran for president the law used to state that the Governor would appoint a new Senator to the seat. But at the time Mitt Romney, R (MA), was the Governor. So it was changed to have a special election. I'm just wondering what you guys think about the bottom section and of course the top. But the poll applies to the top part.
What the title says. Example: I like the first few seconds of the Song Black Parade by MCR.
they actually weren't all that great... And Ted certainly wasn't... o_o
just saw the cover
Yeah. It was coming. I saw on one of those stupid magazines that have all that bs news that he wasn't gonna make it past Labor Day... I guess it wasn't bs. Or just easy to tell he wasn't gonna last much longer.
Ted Kennedy died.
do 2 hours a day. Not too bad.
durrrrrr i dunno
Darn, that's too bad D:
Nope =D WHOOP!
i'm good (:
Cool story bro.
I wasn't serious <_>;
you know who you are.
Star Wars?
I really don't care as long as I can play God of War 3/MGS4 on it.
Since nobody said this yet... DUDE THAT GUY IS IN JAIL FOR BEATING UP A HOOKER!